Jan 3, 2010


Second verse . . . same as the first.

Let’s face it, for most of us it’s not like we sit down and dream up these wild pledges to ourselves at the first of the year. They get re-cycled from year to year or from points within the year. At least that’s the way it is for me. The changes I contemplate are either on-going struggles or transformations I’ve abandoned or neglected already. Shrink our bodies (Lose weight . . . eat healthier . . . exercise more). Expand our brains (read more . . . write more . . . take a class). Invigorate our being (be a better person . . . listen to others . . . strive to become more involved). What this time of year offers is simply a new starting line.

What’s different . . . and the key to realizing these desired changes . . . has to be our resolve. The obstacles, lying in wait to trip us up, are numerous. Expect them. Plan for them. Fortify yourself by remembering that stumbling across one does not end the journey. That’s what life is all about, overcoming barriers. I see far too many people every year who give up on themselves because of one simple slip. Sometimes I think that they secretly welcome it, using their perceived failure to escape the burden of trying. But if they just saw for what it is, a setback, one that they could have even anticipated, then they wouldn’t have to settle for “maybe next year”.

Enough of the soapbox. What am I personally going to stop spinning my wheels over? Thirty pounds – gone. I’ve done it before and I’m at that age where letting it creep back on isn’t an option. I’m also going to come out of my shell more. This one will be much more difficult. I’ll have years of introversion working against me, but I’m up for a challenge. Just expect plenty of awkwardness . . . and goofy smiles.

From a writing perspective, I’m going to stop dicking around and see if I have what it takes to be published this year. My novel is almost at the point where I’m confident enough to send out query letters, and I’m going to stop looking for excuses to put it off. As a preamble I’m going to grow this blog. How do I do that? Not by pulling in followers by offering contests or give-a-ways (although I’m not saying I’ll totally against that), but rather by being entertaining and having interesting things to say. There is hundreds of aspiring author blogs out here, all documenting their own quest for publication, and if I can’t stand out amongst them then what hope can I have of achieving my own dream?

So 2010 officially starts Monday (no self-respecting college football fan can start a diet during bowl season) and so does my new attitude. A resolute one.

Let’s go!


  1. "From a writing perspective, I’m going to stop dicking around and see if I have what it takes to be published this year. My novel is almost at the point where I’m confident enough to send out query letters, and I’m going to stop looking for excuses to put it off..."

    Me too!!!! And this year I'm going to treat my book more like a full time job instead of a part time hobby and not let others distract me so easily...that I resolve!

    Here's to a productive 2010!

  2. Okay, I'm getting back on the treadmill tomorrow. I'm posting everyday for...hmmm...well, everyday.
    Oh alright, I'll see if I have what it takes to get published this year too. Great goals! Man, and I thought I had nothing left to achieve. ;}
    I guess my ass has grown quite substantially over the past few years, so-gone.

    Thank you for the motivation.

  3. What a fun post. And being entertaining is what writings all about, isn't it? Tell a story or a snippet? Get a laugh, a sigh, a groan.

    I'm glad I followed my google alert and found you. :-) thanks for the plug, btw.

  4. Elena & Gina,
    I'll be following your progress just as I hope you'll follow mine. And I totally expect you to box my ears if I get lazy! :)

    My google reader is AWESOME. I've been following your blog for quite some time and you absolutely know how to entertain. Thanks for the encouragment.

  5. I love the power you put forth. Let's all just stop dicking around. Thank you for de-lurking. Thank you for being one of the good guys.

  6. If you're nearly at Query stage, how about trying out a few letters on me? I'm a better critique partner than a writer, I think....my own crit group tell me I should have been an agent or editor in my past life!

  7. Good for you.

    I plan to make this the year I finally get Meridia written in its entirety. I used the end of 2009 to work on the necessary prewriting and research to make it happen. New draft, here I come!

  8. "no self-respecting college football fan can start a diet during bowl season." LOL

    So true, even though I don't do the football thing, I still agree.

  9. Kelly,
    I can't be a "good guy", I don't like white hats. :)

    I'll definitely be taking you up on that offer!

    Let's both do it in 2010! Now all I have to do is find somebody (an agent) who actually likes my writing and my story. :0

  10. Good luck with finishing up the novel. LEt us know when your agent finds you!
