Mar 18, 2010

Still Climbing

I’m afraid I might have been misleading you, and myself, for the past couple months.

You see, the name of my blog CRUISING ALTITUDE, and the little blurb below it, leaves you with the impression that I’ve reached a point in my life where I feel comfortable leaning back and just enjoying the ride. That was certainly true when I created this site and took a measure of where I stood. A wonderful wife, three awesome children (two of which in college), a job I love going to every day, and interests (writing) that filled in the gaps. I had survived the turbulence of child-rearing, professional growth, educational commitment, job-relocations, community involvement, and multiple arrest warrants (okay, I made that last part up). My life really did feel like it was on cruise control.

Then something unexpected happened. My dabbling with writing started to morph into a full-blown passion. A simple blog entry turned into a short story. The short story evolved into a novella. The novella bloomed into a full-length novel. The novel spawned yet another. What would be the next logical step, an attempt at publication?

Since the first of the year I’ve made it my mission to pursue this to whatever end. Anything done half-heartedly will only result in disillusioned failure, so I’m all-in. Thanks to this blogging community I now have generous people working with me to critique my work *waves hi* as well as influence my development as a writer. I’m no longer content to sit back on my laurels and simply exist.

So, the auto-pilot has been disengaged and we’re climbing once more. Not to avoid any sort of bumpy air or to conserve fuel, but to move toward a better view of the stars. In the days to come I’ll probably change the blurb about me to better reflect my current state of mind, but I won’t be changing my blog name. Instead of representing where I’m presently at, it will stand for what I strive to attain.

I sincerely hope you’ll continue to fly air-DL. Wherever your ultimate destination may be, I’ll do my best to make it an enjoyable journey.


  1. air-DL serves the best in flight peanuts

  2. Soar high!

    Are we free to move about the cabin?

  3. Happy to be along for the journey! :)

  4. Destination unknown. . . Can't wait to get there!

  5. Are there cocktails on this flight? :-) I'm in either way...but cocktails are good...

  6. Not a problem! I love me a little turbulence now and then. Take her up, Captain - seatbelt's on! :-)

  7. Keep climbing DL, just don't go above your certified ceiling. People die that way. And you can climb with the auto pilot on. I'm just sayin...

  8. As long as we don't get stuck in Poughkeepsie for any length of time, I'm in.

  9. I'm in for the long flight, turbulence, oxygen masks, nasty bathrooms and all. Pass the peanuts.

  10. I love your story - it's amazing how writing can take over :)

  11. Keep climbing and full speed ahead! I've booked my ticket. I know it will be an interesting journey!

  12. Writing is addictive! We hold our weekly "crazy" meetings every Wednesday. So we'll be expecting you there. Welcome to the club! ; )

  13. great, great post. all my fingers are crossed for you!

    best of luck with your writing journey! we're all supporting you!!

  14. I'm on board for wherever you take us on this flight of fancy. I just want to know if the tea and chocolates are free.

  15. Awesome!! I love when creative momentum sweeps you off your feet and shakes up your world a little bit. It's magical when it happens. Enjoy the ride!!

    I'm rooting for your continued success!

  16. You've shown Air DL to be a cool, articulate, likeable airline and judging by the number of regular commenters on each post, others think so too.

  17. Falen ~ And their free too!!

    Diane ~ Absolutely, just don't sit in anybody else's lap.

    Amy ~ Great!!

    Anonymous ~ XOXOXO

    Summer ~ For sure, and they only cost 10 cents. :)

    Shannon ~ I bet you enjoy roller-coasters as well.

    Matt ~ Sure, sure, get technical on me. :)

    Anne ~ I'm hoping this is a direct flight!

    Lola ~ I'll have you know my bathrooms are spotless.

    Jemi ~ It's a familiar one.

    Julie ~ I upgraded you to first class!

    Kimberly ~ All you have to say is party and I'm there. Then I'll stand quietly in the corner. :)

    Tahereh ~ Thank you!!

    Jaleh ~ Certainly! And baggage fly free as well.

    Elena ~ Takeoff = Landings are always a good thing.

    Nicole ~ Yeeeee Haawwwww!!!

    Sierra ~ And we didn't accept any stimulus money either. :)

  18. I wish you all the best on air DL. Bumps are to be expected so make sure your safety belt is securely fastened.

    Hope you've got a couple of good bottles of kiwi wine on board :)

  19. That's awesome! I hope your journey is a great one:)

    Hmmm...looks like you have a lot of passengers on this flight. Do you mind one more?

  20. Wendy ~ Hmmmm...Kiwi Wine sounds really good!!

    Melissa ~ Absolutely! Just let me clear off these pillows and blankets from this empty seat.

  21. *waves hi back!* we're here! we're with you!

  22. I understand what you're going through. And the thing is once this dream comes true, you'll want to fly higher and higher... Welcome to the club. :)

  23. I'm sure this is a story to which many of us relate. I know after I started the blog bug bit me and now my story is similar to yours.
    Fly on, upward and onward.

  24. It's funny how something can start so small and become such an important part of our lives. I'm sure you'll be published someday and I will be one of the first people in line to read your book :)

  25. Oh, DL. I love your metaphors! I have to admit, I have wondered about that blurb more than once. Here's to soaring!

    Southern City Mysteries

  26. So far...I've been enjoying the flight...and the post!

  27. I think developing a passion for writing is more like flying into a storm. Will we come out alive? :) Loved the post.

  28. I think developing a passion for writing is more like flying into a storm. Will we come out alive? :) Loved the post.

  29. DL--I'm like so like blonde...I thought you had a secret passion for flying...

  30. Sometimes it's so strange how the writing passion strikes. Your journey is only beginning. Keep your seat belt on.

  31. Flying first class is always a good deal when the pilot is excellent. Enjoy your take-off. ;)

  32. Bone--that's great news man! As I recently had a similar epiphany, I can really relate.

    Congrats and looking forward to reading more about your journey. In view of your awesome work so far, there's something over at my place for you!

  33. I'm glad I'm along for your ride :) As an ex-airline person, I second all the flight related metaphors and I'm supporting you whole heartedly, albeit virtually! Luck and lots of it :)

  34. Actually, when I first visited your blog, I thought you were a pilot. Really.
    I figured it out.

  35. Loving the journey thus far!!! Keep it up, I always enjoy visiting!

    Thanks for the sweet words at my blog, I appreciate it!! And Tweeting just for me?! *blushes* you're too nice!!!

    I love the blogging world and each post I put up I enjoy the interaction and love commenting on others brilliant posts!!!

  36. Air-DL sure is a popular airline! I feel lucky to be along for the ride. :)

  37. Kristin ~ YAY!!

    Kathi ~ Thank you! I'll take it as high as I can.

    Arlee ~ The company is great up here!! Thanks.

    Eva ~ You are so kind!!

    Michele ~ I'll have to fix my blurb.

    Kristi ~ :)

    Jessie ~ Very true!

    Sharon ~ Apparently you weren't the only one.

    Kat ~ Cinched up tight!!

    Kimberly ~ Nothing but first class on this flight!!

    Jon Paul ~ Thanks so much. What a great start to the week!!

    Suze ~ Great to know if I run into trouble! Thank you.

    Krista ~ Apparently I was confusing more than a few people. Sorry.

    Jen ~ With visitors like you, how can I go wrong?!

    Amy ~ I'm the lucky one!!

  38. I'm in for the long haul. ;)

  39. I wish you the best! It'll be fun to follow your journey. :)

  40. Way to go! That's exactly right. We're all still trying to climb. And I know you'll make it.

  41. How exciting! Cannot wait to hear all about it. maybe I will get some inspiration to get moving on my own! GOOD LUCK!

  42. I'm glad to hear it. It sounds like you have been bit by the passion-bug and I think the only cure will be to become published with your works! I'm hoping to see a lot more from you here as you tell of your journey toward the higher altitudes of success! :)

  43. Good luck to you on this journey! It's wonderful to find a new passion and I'm happy to follow you.

  44. DL, I loved this post. I recently had the same epiphany about my goals. Originially I was skeptical of whether or not I should pursue this crazy writing dream. Now, like you, I'm all in. However, my blog name needed changing to reflect said epiphany. :) I'm glad to see you visit over on my side of the blogosphere and I'm going to keep tabs on yours as well. With perseverance and a little faery dust, who knows what we'll accomplish by the end of 2010. :)
