Feb 5, 2011

Top Ten Horror/Sci-Fi Movie Quotes Blogfest

I just couldn’t pass up Ellie Garratt’s Horror/Sci-fi Movie Quotes Blogfest, even though I’m preparing for my own a major celebration/contest post scheduled for Monday.  I'm posting this a bit early because I might need to take it down early, but here it is for now.

It took a bit of thinking to narrow the list down to just ten because there are so many others deserving to be recognized. (Why do I feel like I’m giving away a blog award?)  And one reason why these are some of my favorite movies is because of the witty dialogue, so I could probably pick ten great quotes from a single movie.

Anyway, after much angst and internal debate, here’s the ten quotes from ten different movies that made the top of my list.  They are listed here in completely random order.

1.     “Get away from her you Bitch!” - Aliens
2.     “I aim to misbehave.” - Serenity
3.     “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” - Jaws
4.     “You know the part in scary movies when somebody does something really stupid, and everybody hates them for it? This is it.” – Jeepers Creepers
5.     “Broke into the wrong God damn rec room, didn't ya you bastard!” - Tremors
6.     “Whoa” – The Matrix
7.     “We all see what we want to see. Coffey looks and he sees Russians. He sees hate and fear. You have to look with better eyes than that.” – The Abyss
8.     “You’re one ugly m**** f*****!”  Predator
9.     “Aziz! Light!” The Fifth Element
10.  “How do you explain school to higher intelligence?” – E.T.



  1. The only ones I've seen are E.T. and 5th Element. I'm not really one for scary movies ... can you tell? LOL.

  2. Ah, those are some good ones. #1 is my favorite!

  3. Excellent choices! (Mine goes live at midnight.) I see we like some of the same movies as well. I almost went with a Tremors quote and I didn't even think of The Fifth Element. Good choices, DL!

  4. All good - and one from Serenity too! :)

  5. oh those are good ones! I'll be posting mine tomorrow am and I can't believe I forgot Tremors!!!

  6. Love Tremors and The Abyss! Good pics and great quotes!

  7. oooh oooh oooh!!!
    some great lines from some excellent movies- esp. Serenity and the 5th element! :) nice pics!

  8. Thanks for participating. We agreed with the Jaws quote.

  9. Nice to see another Predator quote. Cool list.

  10. A fantastic list of quotes, and so many of them nearly made it on to my list! Thank you for taking part.

    I'm intrigued by your contest/celebration and will be back tomorrow!

    Top Ten Movie Quotes Blogfest

  11. Aaaaah - Tremors! I forgot Tremors! And all the Aliens franchise! There were just too many good ones to choose from. And Galaxy Quest is my all time fave movie, as you can see by the fact that I used up almost half of my 10 quotes on it!

  12. The only one I haven't seen is Jeepers Creepers. You brought back a lot of fun memories.....Tremors, ET, and that Jaws quote is classic!!! Fantastic list!

  13. “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” - Jaws

    I missed this one one my list. Seriously, my all time favorite.


  14. Oh the Abyss! Another great SF I completely forgot about. An awesome movie and that was an awesome quote.

    Love rediscovering all these great quotes, that one from ET, it's been ages, but that brought it all back.

  15. Tremors is a fun movie. Jaws - very classic quote.

  16. Yay, Serenity and E.T.! Also, I've always loved that Aliens line. Great list!

  17. Great list! Several I've not seen! love the E.T. quote!!!

  18. Awesome quotes. I've seen them all except Serenity, that doesn't sound familiar.

    I'm dying to find out what your post is for tomorrow.

  19. I just left a comment for Alex Cavanaugh-how the ehck did I forget Serenity? So many quotable lines.

    I like the list!


  20. Tremors was one of my favs growing up! It was actually on TV the other day and the guide rated it 2 stars! That doesn't seem fair.

  21. OMG, I totally forgot about Tremors! Great list.

  22. I love the Jaws one.

    Can't wait to hear what the celebration's about. :D

  23. That last one is the best. It's been too long since I've seen ET! Great list!

  24. They each seem to have a bit of a humorous slant-- good, fun choices -- ha!

  25. Great list. The Matrix. The Abyss. Forgot about The Fifth Element! "Multipass!" Awesome.

  26. My parents live on a boat so the line from Jaws comes up ALL THE TIME. Great list.

  27. Love your #8! So many great quotes from PREDATOR, but that one is definitely a shining example.

  28. jeepers creepers, arrrhhh what a scary and disturbing movie. great choices...

    Thank you for being part of this, it was a great time and success.
    Jeremy [iZombie]

  29. Serenity! I need to sit down and watch that movie again.

  30. You've got some great ones here! I think I've seen Serenity on nearly every list so far. And I love Tremors!! This just reminds me of some great movies I need to rewatch. Thanks for sharing!

  31. What a great list. Nice picks. :)

  32. Its eerie how many quotes are in the collective consciousness. A lot of these are my favs. For The Fifth Element I love "Multipass" though. Her expression was great.

  33. Whoa from The Matrix--that IS a good line, LOL!

    "Resistance is futile" is a good one too.

  34. I thought of using a quote from The Fifth Element. Good job!
