Apr 6, 2012

F is for Feedback

F is for Feedback

I had second thoughts after I picked Feedback as my topic for today.  The reason being is that I'm shooting for a couple hundred words per post during the Challenge and this subject is potentially massive.  Just think about it...feedback is everywhere!  Giving it or receiving it.  Everything from your first report card...to tipping your waitress...a handwritten thank you card...or a simple hug  Heck, it could even be from a black box sitting on the side of the road informing you how fast your driving.  It's inescapable. Right away my mind raced off in different directions (my eyes cross when that happens) trying to determine the best vein to follow.  When I reined in my imagination and forced myself to focused on something we would all familiar with it...something writing related...I had it.

Blog comments.

You could argue that comments are the purest form of feedback, where even their absence says something.  First off, they come from your peers, which means a lot.  Secondly, not only do they communicate useful information, offer support and encouragement, but also let the blog owner know when a particular post resonates with some of his/her readers.  You know what the hardest part of the A to Z Challenge is?  It's not the task of coming up with 26 posts in 30 days...it's trying to get to the 1900+ blogs to offer some feedback.  It's every participants obligation to get to as many of these blogs as they can and let them know what you think.

I treasure my comments!  Each one is a form of written sunshine.  I have my blogger account set up so I get emailed every time one is posted, and my iPhone lets out a little ding when my DL account receives it, so I can't help but smile every time I hear that tone.

If you agree with what I'm saying...make me smile! :)


  1. I suppose the big thing with blog comments is that you can, if you wish, get some sense of who the person is doing the commenting, so you can get a good sense of the context of the feedback too.

  2. I agree that spreading the feedback is one of the tougher parts of the challenge! So man blogs!

    The good part, of course, is that you get to meet tons of friendly bloggers who may be right around the corner from you in the blogosphere.

    J.W. Alden

  3. I've found so many blogs through this challenge that it is hard to get to all of them to offer feedback. But it is a challenge that I love to attempt!

  4. Excellent choice for feedback! Yes, I treasure the comments I receive. To me, it's not just a reflection on the quality of my posts but on my impact in the blogging community and ability to reach others.
    Of course, it could be that everyone is just trying to humor me.

  5. I love to get comments, and I love to make them too, although I usually only comment if I have something to say. I've seen people mention that they won't comment on a blog because they don't know if comments from "outsiders" are welcome. I'd say, if you enjoy it, comment. Who doesn't want positive feedback?

  6. Oooh that's a good word. "Feedback" sometimes we like it - sometimes we hate it.

  7. I couldn't agree more. When no one commments on my blog posts I start to wonder why I bother, and then I get one, or two, or maybe more and it's like...oh yeh, someone is reading this sutff.

  8. Commenting is great - and I love getting them in return. It's nice to have a connection, otherwise we're just sitting at our computer typing away at something other than our MS.

  9. Commenting is a great form of feedback and such an important way to connect with other bloggers. I'm trying to spend an equal time posting and commenting.

  10. All forms of feedback are crucial to us writers! For me, it's an assurance that I'm not the crazy lady talking to herself ... someone is out there listening!

  11. One ring-a-dingy... nice choice of topic. Those comments are what keeps some of us going. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  12. I also think comments are very important. Even if I don't get what the blogger is blogging about (I'm a tad dense sometimes) I still leave a commentletting them know that I took the time to read and connect with them.

  13. Comments are warm fuzzies, even when there's a challenge, a question, a debate, an argument, a disagreement. They make you feel good,which is a good thing.

  14. I bet your phone dings constantly!

  15. Gosh I have found so many good blogs to follow. For me, if I read a blog and I don't understand the subject I usually don't leave a comment. I also like blog reads that leave a agree to disagree feeling.

  16. I Soooo agree. Getting comments on my blog is like Christmas morning. GREAT post!

  17. Feedback is everywhere. So true! We can become overstimulated or even drown in it if we're not careful. Learning to decipher what FB is important and applies to 'me' is a skill, one I'm still trying to master. Each writer has his/her own way.

  18. Sometimes blog comments can just be throw away ones though (you know, like great post!). Smile!

  19. Your phone must ding a lot! I agree it is a challenge for me to make time to visit all my blogging buddies regularly, but I love making those connections.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  20. For this A-Z Challenge, I think there should be icons to use rather than leave comments, that way you could cruise tons of new blogs.

  21. Comments really make my day three days a week and every other week on another blog. I love the interaction with all these people I adore but mostly haven't met.

  22. Ding! I wholeheartedly agree. The comments here have helped me grow, built my confidence and they always touch my heart! :-) Now...off to spread some sunshine...

  23. Agree 100%. It's all about the comments.

  24. Comments are great, even if only a couple - it makes my day to think someone spent approx. 3 minutes reading my post. I love reading other blogs too and have managed to get through about 350 blogs so far and counting! It all part of the fun, especially when you find a post with the same word for the day.

  25. Count mine as sunshine:) I have tried to read as many as possible and so many are "writers" they simply wear me out. I am a bit of a simple lady.

  26. True! I mean strongly agree. Sometimes I sit and wonder what in the hell I'm doing wrong when I don't get a single comment for months on end. the I realize I haven't posted anything....LOL. Follower now!

  27. DING!
    I love comments too.
    Feedback is always great even when we don't like it.

  28. *Making people smile makes me smile! Love the instant feedback that a well-read blog can provide. Great post!

  29. Agreed! I love comments - and love the people who take the time to stop by and make them! It's been fun to visit so many new blogs this week :)

  30. Man, I didn't even follow all 1900+ joiners I just follow back the ones that visit my blog and that's exhausting. However, even though it's a lot of work, I'M LOVING IT!

  31. Enjoyed your blog! I found your blog from the A-to-Z challenge. Looking forward to more blogs from you.

  32. I have been going around all morning, commenting on A to Z blogs. Guess what! It's not only awesome fun to do it, but I actually found some very useful information for my thesis. So, there :)
    Happy A to Z!

  33. Feedback is very important and I treasure the comments I receive on my posts.I try to read as many posts I can and bookmark the ones I can't on a day.


  34. I just find the difference in the way American and British bloggers respond interesting.

  35. It always makes me smile too when I get a comment, and I try to return the favor, especially during the A to Z challenge.

  36. What a wonderful post. Blog comments make me smile too. I wait for them to pop up in my email just like I wait for responses from editors and publishers. They're worth just as much. Sometimes, they're worth far more.

  37. Get ready to smiiiile! :) By the way, I am tickled to death that your Disney Diva wife will be following my A to Z Disney posts. Please let her know she's free to set me straight whenever necessary.

  38. I like comments to mean something, whether I'm leaving them or receiving them. So "great post" doesn't do much for me. I confess that I am not commenting on every blog I pop into in the challenge. Some blogs are just not my thing, and so I pop out again -- some I comment on, and some others I comment on and follow, and continue to enjoy and comment day to day.

    I'm definitely with you that feedback is important, and I've received some great feedback in my years of blogging, and already during this challenge. I hope I am able to give some now and then that is seen to be of value, as well.

  39. Now, that's a thought. Have my blog roll via email. That way I wouldn't miss anyone's post. Now, I have to go look. Must kabbitz with you after A-Z.


  40. Smile! I agree; they are a pure form of feedback. If I get fewer comments than usual, I look at the topic so I know what falls flat. Sometimes a really good comment comes in that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  41. I treasure feedback. It makes me smile. Well, mostly. Ha! I have received feedback that made me grumpy. But then I realized the commenter or beta reader was spot on. So I treasured the bad comments too. *ding ding* Hope I made you smile today. :-)

  42. Ding ding ding! You have a comment!

    Don't overwhelm yourself friend, it's going to be a busy month for all of us. Best we can do is the best we can do. We all get it cuz we're in the same boat.

    Well, maybe a smaller responsibility boat than you since you're a host.

    Crap, did I just make it worse?? :)

  43. Here's to feedback. I always love to read what others say in the comments. I learn a lot by these exchanges. Great word for F today.

  44. I love comments. LOL Giving and getting comments. Sadly, I didn't even manage to get on the A to Z challenge linky list because it was closed and I remembered it too late.

  45. I love reading comments but have to admit to not leaving that many (until the A to Z, trying to hit as many blogs as I can).

  46. AHH "even their absence says something." well... for me, it's said "I'M OUT OF TOWN!" hahaha.

  47. So well said. I find that I look forward to comments on a post more than anything. Yes- their absence speaks volumes. Following too. It's great to know others care when you post, even if it sits in the Google reader queue for a day or so. I think I need to tweet your post! Catching up today on A to Z reading.
    A2ZMommy and What’s In Between

  48. Comments are made of awesome and so are you--that's my feedback and I'm stickin' to it :-)

  49. I love getting comments! Feedback is so helpful

  50. I too get quite excited about getting comments on my blog. Have found that more and more people (especially friend/family types) will just comment on my facebook, which is not nearly so exciting...

    ~AJ @ frodofrog.blogspot.com

  51. I must check my e-mail 50 times a day to check to see if people commented on my blog.(okay I may be a little neurotic.) I love the comments I receive. :) I hope this makes you smile...when I make your phone ding.

  52. I completely agree! I'm finding it difficult to comment on all the great blogs I've found during this challenge, but I try. Feedback is so important.

    *Ding* ;)

  53. Ding! I love comments, too. It is like an internet hug. I think "feedback" was an excellent choice to write on.

  54. Commenting on 5 blogs a day takes as much time for me as making a blog post! But, they are like money, so I try to pay them as much as I can.

  55. I like to leave as many comments as I can, everybody loves comments right?

  56. And I just wanted to make your iPhone ding again :-)

  57. Ding ding! Here's another one! lol
    The feat of visiting 1900+ blogs is impossible... but it's so great coming across new bleeps. And I'm like you, I cherish each and every person who took time to comment. It's a special little slice of life we've got going on here. :)

  58. Feedback and then some. I guess whether you're writing or blogging, feedback is a must, comments especially.

  59. Ding! I'm with you again - comments rule! And the hardest part of A-Z is finding the time to visit and comment on other blogs. But I keep working at it!

  60. I find comments help me know the person commenting. They also give me a sense of the clarity of my writing in the post. Comments also boost my confidence and, like you, make me smile. Ding! Ding! (I love that iPhone idea. It made me smile!) :)
