Apr 10, 2012

I is for Introverted

I is for Introverted

What’s a little bit odd about writing these A to Z post is that I have to consider I’m addressing two different groups of bloggers….those who have followed me for some time…and those new readers who found me because of the Challenge.  Therefore, I try to write it in such a way as to not put me regular readers to sleep, because they’ve heard it before…not because I’m so droll that my posts have been used as sleeping pill substitutes.  Anyway, today’s topic is a perfect case in point.  Those who’ve known me awhile have heard me discuss my shy nature.  Let’s see if we can make it interesting for everybody this time.

I’ve taken most of the on-line questionnaires designed to determine your level of introversion/extroversion (just Google Introversion Test and you’ll see a bunch of links), and almost every time I rate as well balanced between the two.  I say….bullshit!  I know how I feel when I’m put into social situations, and if that’s well-balanced then there’s something terribly wrong somewhere.  The thing is, I’m okay with my introversion.  I don’t mind being alone (except for my family….got to have them!) and actually prefer it.  But, would I be saying the same thing if I didn’t have this on-line presence?

What I’ve learned over the last three years is that A LOT of writers are introverted.  Many of you, like me, have found a release through their writing…and the blogosphere.  You see, there is no such thing as being tongue-tied on the internet.  There is an artificial buffer of time out here that allows us to formulate orderly thoughts without the embarrassingly awkward pauses.  No groan-inducing comments brought about by trying to fill gaps in the conversation.  It is SO much easier here!

Do I worry about the possibility of book signings should I ever become published?  Not much.  Why, you ask?  Because the one thing I’ve never had a problem talking about, even to complete strangers, is my writing.

What about you?  How would you rate on the introverted/extroverted scale?


  1. In my private life, I'm quite introverted until I get to know someone well. And I hate large groups.

    As a gym instructor, I have no problem skipping up to people, talking to anyone and everyone, including new people in the conversation.

    In regards to book signings etc... the thought worries me (esp when you see some authors sitting in a bookshop being pretty much ignored), but if I consider it as 'work' then perhaps I'd be okay. Either way, it's probably a long time off yet - not much call to sign my ebook yet!! :-)

  2. I'm an introvert and wouldn't have it any other way. The time and space to gather my thoughts is necessary - I found it extremely difficult and confronting to get a web site (it took 2 years to write a bio and have a photo taken) but it broke the ice for blogging. I don't know how I would have managed otherwise, I'd probably still be reading rather than writing and commenting!

    BTW, I'm an accredited Myers-Briggs practitioner - many people find it empowering to discover they simply have a preference for introversion and that they're not weird!

    Sue: An A-Z of Climate Matters

  3. I'm an introvert. It's important to remember however that shyness is not the same as introversion. Extroverts can be shy. And introverts can be the life of the party. Fear of public speaking such as at a book signing is universal.

    Quiet: The Power of Introverts is a great book to read on the subject.

  4. *Raises hand shyly* I'm one. I've always been one. I was very comfortable being alone as a kid, still am. There's a part of me that would love to be a hermit. The Myers-Briggs test confirms it.

    Book signings would probably be a bit of a challenge because I'm not that comfortable with strangers. However, I know how to behave and be polite even if I'm trembling inside...

  5. Great picture - scarily true.

    I have to work very hard in social situations. I obviously do it very well because people seem shocked when I tell them how it exhausts me.

    Need a lot of time to digest days.

  6. I actually am a strange mixture of the two; I love that alone time, but I'm also a teacher of 7th graders - I've had to grow quite a thick skin over the last two years!

  7. Isn't one of the classic Barnam statements about how 'you probably don't feel as confident in social situations as other people, or as you like to pretend'?

  8. I think I'm a mixture of the two as well. On the outside I appear extroverted, but I have definite introvert leanings. I guess I'm outwardly extroverted, but inwardly introverted. :) I bet the same goes for a lot of people.

  9. I am very shy, though it's a lot better than it used to be. In my teens, I couldn't look anyone in the eyes, whereas now I have no problem. But yeah, I still find myself tongue-tied when put into social situations.

  10. Oh gosh, no doubt I am quite the introvert...a co-worker once told me I'd be more fun if I came out of my shell; well, DUH! but it's just not in me and I'm okay with that...I'm okay watching people be interactive while I sit and 'wtch' the engagement which is quite fascinating by the way; one could learn a lot by watching-anyway, yes, I am an introvert and yes, it comes trough in my blogging but like you wouldn't trade my family OR my blogging family for the world...great post!

  11. I'm a total introvert. I hate talking in groups and clam up at parties. But I don't feel like an introvert at all when it comes to writing, it's like I'm two different people almost.

    Great choice for I.

  12. I think a lot of people are a bit of both and it depends what situations they are comfortable with.

  13. I'm a bit of both though leaning more towards the introvert side. I'm not at all comfortable talking to strangers at parties but have no problem commenting on a stranger's blog. I think it is that, having time to come up with an answer. I'm not much good at witty repartee in real life!

  14. I would rate a high level of extroversion online and super low in person. :)

    Actually, I'm not that bad on the introversion scale anymore, but I was voted Shyest in my high school class. There was a reason for it.

    Great post!

  15. I'm almost an extrovert. I think the layered Southern culture provides for ease with introductions and small talk but stalls with larger issues.

  16. I actually took the Myers Briggs for a leadership training. I'm a perfect...introvert. And lovin it. But sh...don't tell nobody. =)

  17. This is where I get weird. I can be outgoing when in small groups but I feel like a wallflower when the group gets bigger. I am very talkative one on one but add more people and I feel as socially awkward as I did when I was in high school. Going to take the test after I post this :)

  18. Ditto! I love my friends and family, I love meeting new people, and have no trouble talking to strangers - but "alone time" is absolutely crucial. I go nuts if I can't have quiet time to write, relax, whatever!

  19. I'm definitely an introvert. I'm social but get on with things better on my own, can't be doing with people getting in my way hehe :)

    Universal Gibberish

  20. I copied and printed your picture. I hope you don't mind. My son is very VERY introverted. He has started seeing a therapist because of it. All of the tips on this post is quite helpful and exactly the way I have to "comform" to him. He hates change, he hates being rushed, he can't deal with time restrictions, and falls apart when something is sprung on him. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Introverted. If it wasn't for my family and my blog I wouldn't talk to anyone.
    That is exactly why I started writing. I had a lot to say but no one to say it to!
    See you tomorrow.

  22. Introverted. I'm pretty sure most writers are. But introversion, at least for me, always lead to a vivid imagination. Which is definitely a plus when it comes to writing.

  23. That's why this modern Internet age is both a blessing and a curse to writers who are introverted. On one hand, it's horrible because we have to "get out there", but on the other hand, it provides a buffer or screen that in-person things do not.

  24. LOL!

    You said your answer would be on the blog today ;) Love it. I'm the same way. I have no problem being in front of people, chatting, etc--but I prefer to be home ;)

  25. I'm an introvert who sometimes fakes being an extrovert.

  26. If you met me, you would probably say that I am an extrovert. I have always been very out going but the truth is...I am an introvert. I prefer to be alone and need it. You nailed it when you said, being alone and writing allows you to process your thoughts. My Dad always says he is amazed & surprised by my writing. It is because when I am with people, I let them affect me, their reactions, expressions, comments...when I write...I get to just be me. Really great post!

  27. I think I've become more extroverted as I've gotten older. I want to go take one of those tests now to know for sure!

    I'm glad that all of us introverts and extroverts can hang out online and share our love of writing!

  28. I like the poster you found.
    I'm introverted, although I can function in a group if necessary without too much stress. Online I'm definitely not introverted, so no idea what happened there.

  29. I claim to be an introvert. I say things like "I don't like people," or "New situations make me puke," but really, I find myself craving company and interactions far too much to keep claiming introversion. I guess I might as well admit it. I'm a people person. Blargh!! Admitting is the first step, right?

    As for how that works with my writing? I can't claim to be a people watcher - I'm just not that observant a lot of the time. But when I am developing characters I tend to go to very social places - book stores, zoos, parks - and then I pay attention in very limited quantity.

  30. I'm both introverted and extroverted (why I did G for Gemini!) and can relate. Being an author nowadays pushes us out of our comfort zone as we must be public figures - and its scary at times. Readings, network events, conferences, blogging - we arent in our solo world anymore. Good or bad? A mix of both, I think.

  31. Love your blog! Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Holly

  32. I've recently taken two of these tests and they come back saying I HOPE YOUR SITTING DOWN, that I'm and Introvert. Anyone who knows me for 24 hrs or more is now laughing hysterically. If you doubt me - read tomorrow's J post. But strangely they say some things about Introverts that fit me to a T. Like I'm OK with being alone CHECK, although I'll talk your arm and leg off, I need 'down time' to recharge CHECK and that they tend to be Idealists and Healer types CHECK and CHECK. So, go figure even someone who is certifiable and a blabber mouth and more than willing to be center stage MOST OF THE TIME can be an introvert too.

    Nice to meet you Introvert Good Guy!

  33. Your care chart made me chuckle. I'm not really introverted by nature, but I do need to just get away from it all sometimes. :)

  34. I havent taken any tests but I am an introvert trapped inside an extrovert!

  35. That's a very good check-list and most apply to me. I'm a definite introvert and I think I'm quite different on the internet to what I am in real life. Even my books don't reflect me (some people don't believe I write them!).

  36. I now how you feel. It is easier to say things online, and I find blogging not only therapeutic but also a small grasp on a social life since having a baby and not getting out of the house much anymore.
    I am 1604 in the challenge. Unfortunately as I am a Wordpress domain blogger won't let me comment with openid!

  37. I was voted quietest girl in my high school senior class. But I've come a long way since then. Not as shy, but it does take a while for me to warm up to people. I just smile to try and hide my nervousness.

  38. Introvert.
    I thought about adding a line similar to this topic in today's poem.
    Perhaps "I am a girl who needs no one, but prefers to have someone" will do. :)

  39. i call this the vert/spectrum...

    while i can relate the the introverted side of life, i can say i am not an introvert at all...

    totally an extrovert...

    i am an applause junkie. always have been, always will be.

    that being said, there is a balance to the world from both sides of the vert/spectrum

  40. I'm way over on the introverted side. My boss tends to force me to speak in meetings when she sees me squirming. Somehow, I need to convince her that it's best to just let me squirm.

    I don't think introverted necessarily means shy. I can be quite chatty. But I don't NEED to be the way the extroverts in my life do.

  41. I would say I'm an introvert who has learned to FAKE being an extrovert. I can be very bubbly... but small talk makes me SO SO SO NERVOUS. I hate it. I hate having to do it. I CAN do it. Sort of. If I have to. But I hate it and I am 10000000% certain that I am wretchedly awful at it.

    In Which We Start Anew

  42. I always show as an introvert. I have learned to cope and fake it because to be a teacher, you have to be a bit of an extrovert! :)

    I like being an introvert - I like my alone time, I like thinking those long thoughts - but I'm glad I can fake it too :)

  43. I'm pretty comfortable talking about my writing, as well. I don't like settings with larger groups of people. I tend to duck in a closet.

  44. My gosh --so many comments, so little time. You are "new" to me as I was one of the people who found you through A to Z (I Am Number 797 -- like the movie).

    I think I am an introvert who can swing both ways :-) -- from intro to extro as needed. I've been in sales, have no problem chatting up strangers, but perhaps in my heart, I prefer the "intro" life. If I ever finish my memoir, I will learn to deal with the book signings. lol Nice to find you!

  45. I think that I'm a little bit of both. (Can I be?) I like my alone time, but I also like time with my friends. I can be a tad shy around a group of new people though.

  46. I'm pretty strongly introverted, both in how I feel, and according to the tests I've taken.

    But, I can extrovert myself when I have to (so simply choose to).

  47. I am very outspoken when I believe strongly about something but otherwise I don't usually initiate conversation. My mouth tends to get me in trouble at times :0

  48. I'm totally intro. Love people but when I have to talk to lots of them all day, such as at a conference, it exhausts me.

  49. No wonder I always want to plan ahead. Makes perfect sense now. thanks...I think.

  50. Charmaine at Wagging Tales used the same chart. I'll tell you what I told her. I hate the Myers-Briggs test and being put in a box. The worst one for me is the introvert/extrovert one because I really do have equal answers. I like people. I get energized when I'm with creative and friendly people. I love working with kids. I'm a piano and drama teacher. But, I also need my quiet time. I need to think and process.

    Play off the Page

  51. In most of those "Are you this way or that way" tests, I tend to fall in the middle. When it comes to the whole introvert/extrovert discussion, I tend to be introvert upon first inspection but just let me get comfortable and some of the "tamed" extrovert gets a go.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I am an almost extrovert when in familiar grounds - family, close friends, kids, and introvert in all other situations unless my temper flares up.
    Most of my school, college and work friendships have happened because they got tired of playing the waiting game and chose to break the ice and silence, deeming me worthy of knowing.
    I still have a problem looking at people in the eye while conversing, demanding attention to myself embarrasses me no end. Which is why I loved to write letters earlier and now love online interaction. hardly anyone in my extended family or friend circle is like me...all outgoing personalities. Sigh

  54. Your blog is exciting, I'll follow you man.

  55. I am a very happy introvert, hate going to large social gatherings, have no problem talking to strangers one-on-one, live in a household with three introverts and three extroverts, and have a necessary public persona that I can pull out as needed which is very extroverted.
    My dream job is to be a lighthouse keeper where I can work all by myself.

  56. I'm an introvert too. I love the online writers community. I don't feel so alone in it any more.
