Apr 24, 2012

U is for Unique

U is for Unique

Seven billion + people on the planet, and every one of us are unique.  We embrace our families, and similarities with others, because it helps us feel less alone.  There is safety in numbers after all.  But hard as some of us might try to blend in, to pretend as if we're just another check mark on the decennial census, nothing can be further from the truth. 

Is it any wonder the world seems so screwed up sometimes?  Think about it, seven billion individuals trying to reach consensus on so many different topics.  But we tend not to think that way...we love to categorize people and put them in tiny boxes that help define them.  That's so much easier to wrap our brains around.  And the worst part is....we let it happen.  We fall into the trap of thinking that it's so much easier to get things done when your part of a group (safety in numbers) and we don't even realize that we've suddenly been labeled.  We become identified with the characteristics of the crowd and slowly but surely those things about us that make us unique begin to erode.  It makes it easy to forget how special we really are.

My post today is to remind each of you of a simple truth...YOU ARE NOT JUST ANOTHER COG IN THE MACHINE.  You are unique!  Celebrate that fact, don't run from it.  :)


  1. Very well said. We should never try to be like other people, who we are is better then anyone was we could ever be :)

  2. You're right! I AM unique!!!

    Just like everybody else...


  3. If we can live our lives with this mindset, acceptance of others will be much easier. Be happy with who and what makes you YOU!

  4. For some odd reason, your post made me think about how we interact with other people... when we learn things that are interesting and different about another person, we only find them interesting because they're different to how we are. Maybe we instantly start comparing this other person's opinions/histories/whatever to our own experiences, and that's how we understand what we're hearing...and also how we get to better understand ourselves.

    Thanks for the thought provocation :)

    and yeah, I am very interesting and I know it. hehe. I am definitely a fan of 'difference'. That's why I don't get it when people travel overseas and try to stick only with their 'own kind'. Like expat Australians in London all clinging together, instead of going out and meeting locals.

  5. I hate when people just categories people, think they know them better then themself. I always do something odd just to proof them wrong, but then I fall down on the crazy weirdo category and I am proud to accept it :D

  6. I'm glad I'm unique! I'm happy to be myself :)

  7. Great reminder! “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ~Dr. Seuss

    I am running for it!


  8. Great post. :) It reminds me of the quote, "Tell the story only you can tell." We're all unique - and uniquely qualified to tell the stories that come to us. Pretty amazing.

  9. My unique self wants to post a funny, but I can't think of anything funny to say!

    Will you laugh anyway? :D

  10. To me, it's a shame that more people can't find the universal in others. It seems that the motivating factor in most decisions is what makes something different rather than something we recognize, and more often than not, the truth is that most people reject things that are different, and surround themselves with whatever remains.

  11. Yay for the yellow guy with a smile. Standing out is wonderful, but being aware of how great it is to be unique is the very best.

    Loved your U-day post.

  12. If we are all unique doesn't that make us all the same?

  13. Great sentiments about the value of uniqueness.

  14. Wonderful sentiment. I'm proud of my uniqueness. :)

  15. Yay! I'm happy with my uniqueness :-)

  16. Well said. When one also considers the stereotypes with nationalities, it's very easy to unfairly group individuals into something they are not.

    -Barb the French Bean

  17. It would be so boring if we were all the same. It's fun being unique! :)

  18. Thanks DL, TODAY I really needed that.

  19. YEAH! God knew what he was doing after all :)

  20. Great post for the letter U. Embrace your uniqueness. : )

  21. That's a great image!

  22. Beautiful U post! Thanks so much for this. :)
