Apr 26, 2013

W is for WRiTE CLUB 2013

In November of 2011, I tried an experiment…it was called WRiTE CLUB. I solicited and received 250 word writing samples from my readers, written under anonymous pen names, and pitted them against one another in bouts over a twelve week period. Twelve winners were picked by the most votes left in the comments and they continued on into succeeding rounds until an ultimate champion was chosen in February. You can see a synopsis of the entire first season, including the rules it operated under, right HERE.

The experiment was a success! Participants and readers alike applauded the anonymous nature of all the writing which prevented the endeavor from turning into a popularity contest. Some truly creative writing was put on display, everyone received some helpful feedback about what worked and what didn’t, and the best part is that the winner (Tiana Smith) and runner-up (Julie Dao) ended up becoming critique partners. :)

In 2012 WRiTE CLUB returned with a few key modifications and some very thrilling enhancements. We increased the writing samples to 500 words, but the biggest and most exciting change was that the final round, where the two finalists faced off against one another…was judged by a panel of publishing industry professionals. That’s right; a team of agents, publishers, editors, and successful authors voted for the final two submissions. The interest went through the roof (100+ submissions) and forced me to modify how often we had bouts and how long the season ran. Mark Hough was the winner last year and Chris Fries was the runner-up. You can see a synopsis of the second season right HERE.

WRiTE CLUB will be back once again for 2013 with more thrilling changes and I’m expecting interest to sky-rocket. I can’t spill any of the beans today about the exciting changes (there will be a prize contest for voters…but shhhhh…you didn’t hear it from me), but you should definitely watch out for the official announcement coming in June.

Did you know I was holding a contest during the A-Z Challenge? You can read all about it HERE.


  1. What didn't you tell me?! ;)
    WRiTE CLUB! Woot!

  2. Wow. This is most exciting news I heard. I will take a look at the previous entries and have an enjoyable read. I'm certain of that.

  3. Will look forward to the exciting news you write about,

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed the first one. I have to admit that at the second life kind of got in my way of participating, but I'm looking forward to #3.

  5. This was another one of your brilliant ideas that brought the blogosphere together! I didn't vote, but I did enjoy the entries that I read. I'll have to participate more this year!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  6. Such a brilliant creative creation Don!

  7. I agree with Laura. Your idea was brilliant! I know it meant a lot of work for you and your wife (who I hope is doing all right) but I know you really helped a lot of people. Thank you.

  8. Hmmm. Missed last year. I might have to join in this year.

  9. Sounds intriguing! Look forward to hearing more.

  10. I became more than you ever imagined.

  11. Ooooh. Sounds exciting! Just so you know, I'm leaving on vacation today, so while I hope to be able to comment on your future blog posts, I'm not sure if our hotel has wi-fi or not. If you don't see me around, have a great week!

  12. June is right around the corner!

  13. Write Club was and is an ingenious idea!

  14. Ooh I can't wait! I enjoyed Write Club last year, it's so fun to see what everyone comes up with :)

  15. look at your watch... where do you find the thyme.

  16. YEAH! I love WRiTE Club. Won't participate this year, but will help in any way I can! (Sorry I've been MIA lately...)

  17. I love Write Club! I didn't know Tiana and Julie became CPs--that is awesome!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  18. I loved the Write Club, but I was over the top with family stuff and just couldn't keep up with it. I'm hoping that next time around things will be more under control and I can participate.

  19. I love WRiTE Club! We get to see snippets from so many talented writers.

  20. Egad, I have to follow the spammers...

    Yay for WRiTE CLUB! I learned so much from participating in 2012. I'll be there again this year. Excited to find out what the changes are.

  21. To put everyone's minds at ease, I won't be participating at all this year.

  22. Must -- do -- Write -- Club -- 2013.

  23. You did/are doing such an incredible thing with the Write Club. I have left comments when I could, but have never been a participant. Maybe that will change this year? Hmmmmm.

  24. Haha, what a coinky dink that I stop by for a WRiTE Club post. I can't believe it's W day!

  25. Sounds like fun...but I always think that until I actually have to write.

  26. Isn't the first rule not to talk about WRiTE Club... or am I thinking of something different? Hehehe. ;)

  27. I really enjoyed being a commenter/voter last year. Maybe this year I'll try my luck as a participant.

  28. You have some really great contests. I'm starting to get jealous. I've been looking for something I could do on my own blogs. Now I don't know which contest I want to copy and which I want to enter. You sure do make things hard on a girl.

  29. Woo Hoo! Can't wait to here more about WRiTE CLUB!

  30. Great concept. I did get to read a few entries... and June is around the corner!

    Writer In Transit

  31. Write Club was awesome. Lots of really amazing talent and the community loved it.

  32. What a great idea--I especially like the fact that it was an anonymous challenge. As you say, that takes care of the popularity contest aspect. I'll have to stop by for the voting this year, even if I don't participate.

  33. How awesome! I love your ideas. You really know how to pull in readers and create your own communities of writers. I'm new on the blogging scene (started my blog Apr 1, for this challenge), so I've never even heard of this. I'm definitely going to want to join. I have so many great ideas for stories.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: kristenhead.blogspot.com

  34. W is for Well, now doesn't that sound exciting! I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled!

    Cheers from Brandy at http://brandysbustlings.blogspot.ca/

  35. Hi Don .. that's a great idea for writers and 250 entries .. pretty good going in year One. Much success this year .. now you're into year 3 ... and THAT contest during the A - Z?! ... cheers Hilary
