Sep 29, 2013

WRiTE CLUB 2013 Playoffs Round Two - Winners

Here are your WRiTE CLUB Round Two Winners for 2013:

Jamie Stuart

And the wildcard winner for this round, the one with the most votes amongst the losers, is:

 Imalie Teller

The quarterfinals begin tomorrow...where we will narrow this list down to four, the semifinals the week after that where only two will survive, and then the final match in front of our celebrity judges in week three.  Here is how it will play out.  

In the quarterfinals there will be three bouts...on Mon - Tue - Thur...with our fighters randomly re-matched.  We will have three outright winners and one wildcard.  The fighters who move into the semifinals will have the opportunity to "tweak" their current submission based on the input voters have left for them.  Those "tweaked" submissions will go to battle in the semifinals, where only two will become finalist.  No wildcard in this round.

The two fighters who make it to the finals will be asked to once more submit new 500 word writing samples, and that will be what is forwarded to our celebrity judges. Of course I'll post them here on my blog for you to comment on, but it will be our judges who make the final selection.

Cinch those seat belts!  See you back here tomorrow.

PS.  Please spread the word about what is happening here.  Anyone can still vote, as long as they register on the Linky List.


  1. Spreading news to Facebook! Congrata to those who are continuing on. Well deserved!

  2. Oooh, interesting that the judges get all new writing samples :) Love it!

  3. This is really exciting ... congratulations to the six WRiTERs left standing. Can't wait to see how the CON-TEN-DAHS will be matched up—

  4. Congratulations to the six authors still standing! The competition has been very tough this year,and making it this far is a tremendous accomplishment!

    And best of luck in this upcoming week!

  5. CONGRATS to the winners!

  6. Congrats to all who made it through!!!
