Mar 16, 2015

Going Commando

Ahhhhhh…the freedom!  The sense of unbridled expression. The unencumbered stream of creative juices.  Nothing can match it!


Why all the looks? Oh geez – get your minds out of the gutter! I’m talking about tackling the A-Z Challenge for 2015 without a theme.

It’s been a couple years since I’ve taken on the challenge.  For those of you who live under a rock, the A-Z Challenge involves posting on your blog every day during the month of April (except Sundays), the first post revolving around a topic with the letter A in it, then B, then C.  You get the idea.  It’s the brainchild of Arlee Bird and been around since 2007. The past couple of years the use of a theme to bind all of your posts into a cohesive presentation has become common, so much so that they now have an A-Z Theme Reveal event on March 23rd.

I’ve never been a fan of themes when it comes to A-Z. I prefer to treat each day as a mini writing prompt and see what pops out. To be frank…some of my best posts have been written on-the-fly for A-Z. My readers enjoy it as well because without the time to prepare, those post are some of my most personal and forthright.
One of my writing goals for this year was to breathe life back into my blog, and doing the A-Z is like sending a 10,000 volt shock from a defibrillator through it. It’s not all about the post either.  I’ll continue to pay a return visit to anyone’s blog who leaves a comment while A-Z is going on, and hopefully I’ll make some new friends as a result.  After all, that’s what A-Z is ultimately about.

April is sizing up to be a pretty busy month. Spring is definitely coming in like a Lion! :)


  1. It will be like a jolt to your blog. Good luck running without a theme. I'd have a meltdown trying to do that.

  2. Good luck with the A-Z. I don't think I could do it, so I admire those who do. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop by every day, but I'll try.

    1. No pressure. I'm always happy when you drop by. :)

  3. Good luck with the challenge - having fun with it is the best way to go! :)

  4. I can't imagine trying to write them all on the fly. Good luck, DL.

  5. I don't know if I could do it sans theme. You're braver than a lot of us.

  6. Last year, my theme was writing, but each post was a different topic. This year I picked a real theme. I like the organization behind having a theme. I'm not sure if I could go commando on the Challenge.

    Can't wait to read your posts!

  7. Hi Don - that's great you'll be joining us once again ... and going at it fly .. that's fine .. we'll be there following along - I have to say I couldn't do it without a theme .. so good luck with the lightning striking the blog ... cheers Hilary

    1. Lighting strike is an appropriate description! :)

  8. Winging it, heh? I think there's a Commando Prize for that. See you a lot in April.

  9. I went commando the firs time I did A to Z. Second time I had a theme. Both fun, both a lot of work. My blog could use a shot of adrenalin, too, so I've been contemplating signing up again. Just can't quite commit to those twenty six posts in a month. :P

    And good luck!

    1. It's like diving into a cold just gotta do it! :)

  10. I think my head would explode if I had to write a blog post every day. Good luck doing it pantser-style!

  11. Sounds like April is going to be a busy roller coaster ride for you! I'll be sure to stop by and read some posts.

  12. Good luck with doing A-Z with or without a theme. I know I don't have time to do it, but will stop by when I can.

  13. I thought you were going to post the A to Z benefits of going commando. ;)

    1. that would have made a good post. :)

  14. Yeah, you had me there too. :) I'd be in a panic each day if I didn't have a pre-set direction in which to fly.

  15. Posting on the fly can be liberating :) I tried to come up with a theme, then gave it all up entirely. Again. I'll be offline for the entire month, maybe two. Good luck Don.

  16. Love this!
    I cracked up when I first saw you post that. Going Commando!

  17. Best theme so far. Hahaha. Going commando. Thanks for the laugh and best wishes to you!

  18. As always, I think about doing A-Z and then I bow out before making any commitment :)

    Good luck - and go get 'em, dude :)

    1. Sometimes you gotta just hold your nose and take the plunge! :)

  19. I've been on the fence about doing the A-Z this year, but you've inspired me. The last 2 years I've had a theme, but the first time I did it I winged it and I think it was more fun. So I'm going to join you in the commando challenge!

  20. still thinking about doing it (soo much going on lately it's making me freak!) but either way I can't wait to read all the entries! such a fun idea :)

    1. There always seems to be something going on and there's never a perfect time. Flexibility is the key. :)

  21. Always enjoyed the A-Z challenge and looking forward to seeing what you're gonna do.

  22. You had me laughing out loud with the Going Commando! Once I saw the jeans, yes, my mind started to go in the gutter and I said "What the?" :) You can be soo bad, DL, but I got a great laugh out of it. I look forward to reading some of your A-Z posts. This'll be my first year ever. Hugs, Eva

  23. Good luck and have fun with your commando A-Z challenge!

  24. Themeless is a great theme I think. That's the way I went through A to Z the first time around and it was pretty exhilarating. There weren't as many blogs to visit then, but it did challenge my creative sense of improvisation.
    Have a great time with it.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

  25. A 10,000 volt shock is right! That's exactly why I decided to get back on the A-Z train this year! I look forward to reading your impromptu posts!
