Apr 11, 2015

J is for July 25th

What happens on July 25th?

Simple – that’s the day the winner of WRiTE CLUB 2015 will be announced - and it will be during the DFW Writers Conference in Dallas.

That’s right – WRiTE CLUB is coming back and it is accepting entries right now...all during the month of April...then actual competition will begin on May 18th. This year the contest is being sponsored by the DFW Conference and has expanded to 40 contestants – shortened to just 10 weeks – and there’s going to be a phenomenal GRAND PRIZE!

Go ahead and start talking about it. Use the hashtag #Writeclub2015 on Twitter.

I need everybody's help to get the word out...and to nudge things along this year I'm having another contest for the most creative way to advertise WRiTE CLUB.  Send an email to writeclub2015@gmail.com and let me know what you've done, and on April 30th I'll announce the winner.  The prize? A $25 Amazon gift card.

Get working on that submission!


  1. Hi DL - great idea for J .. the deadline for Write Club .. and as it's at the DFW Conference ... good luck with it all .. cheers Hilary

  2. Along with the Blog Blitz an absolutely great idea that has blossomed into a fantastic contest.
