Jan 11, 2016

WRiTE CLUB 2016 – A Call for Slush Pile Readers

WRiTE CLUB 2016 is just around the corner, which means I'm starting to get my ducks in a row.  It also means I need some help.  One of the most challenging aspects of the contest is narrowing down all of the entries (171 last year) to just the top 30. That’s where I need help.  In order to go about this is a fair and unbiased manner – I create a central repository (via Dropbox) where all of the submissions are stored as they roll in, then have a selection committee of a dozen judges read all of those entries and vote for their favorites, which I then use to select the top 30.

Before you raise your hand to volunteer, I want to fully explain what you would be getting into.  This is a big commitment!  First you must be open to installing and using Dropbox (a free file sharing program that I will provide complete instructions on how to use). Then once the entries start pouring in (Feb. 1) you will have until March 4th to read what could be 200+ entries, each one approximately 500 words long -- which equates to the length of a small book – and select 30 of what you believe are the best ones.

Most importantly – you cannot be a WRiTE CLUB contestant if you do this. 

Additionally, we will be holding a pair of twitter-parties where all of the judges will be on twitter at the same time – making observations about some of the entries we’ve read so far.  We’ll be doing this in an effort to raise interest in the contest and build excitement.

So, what do you say?  Interested in helping shape how the competition plays out – without officially participating?  If so, leave a comment below (be sure to include your email address), and I will be in touch by the end of the week.

Thank you in advance.



  1. Hi Don - I sure hope you have lots of helpers come forward ... I'm no good I'm afraid - I'm totally up to my eye-balls and on top of that I don't do Twitter ... but all the very best - it's an incredible opportunity for someone ... cheers Hilary

    1. I understand Hilary. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. I won't have time to read, but want me to announce the need next week in my post?

  3. As one of the final judges, I don't think you want me to help pick the top 30 ;) But if I come across anyone who I think would be a good fit, I'll send them your way!

  4. I've never done WRiTE CLUB before, but my friend has talked about it and I was so close to giving it a go, but this...this seems like such an awesome thing to do! So I'd be able to help, that's what I'm getting at. :) And if I'm not the kind of volunteer you're looking for this time, no problem. Thanks and good luck!

    1. I'm game if you are. What's your email address?

    2. I am game! nickiivey [at] gmail [dot] com :)

  5. Hi DL. I would love to be a slush pile judge for this year's WRiTE Club contest! My e-mail address is sdussome.99@gmail.com

  6. Hey!

    I'm down for slush diving since I won't be entering this year! I'd love to see how things work from the other side! If I'm a good fit please feel free to shoot an email.


  7. If you get really stuck, I might be able to do it again this year. But I'd kind of like to enter this year too, so... Well, you know. Ask if you struggle to find your last volunteers and I'll do it.

  8. Good luck finding your volunteers. Glad to see this competition is still going on.

  9. If I had time, I'd be there, but you probably have enough insight into my insanity to get why I can't. Here's hoping this is the best Fight Club yet!

  10. Write Club helped me, and I'm back to help Write Club. You can count on me as a slush reader. I had a great run as The Baron in 2014, and I'd love to lend a hand!

    renarocford at gmail dot com

  11. I'll look into Write Club. Thanks for introducing this.

