Jan 10, 2011

A Glance over the Shoulder

I’m not quite through with you yet…2010.

I’ve been slowly tying up loose ends from last year and this is the final step. Reflection. What did I accomplish here on my blog? Did I make a difference? Did I manage to set myself apart in some small way (like we all are trying to do), or am I still just background noise. Let’s take a look, shall we?

I started the year with 34 ‘Like Minded’ followers. I know because I listed each of their names on my final post from 2009. If I did the same this year, I would be typing out 584 names. My goal when I began the year was 100. Even more special was the fact that I managed to attract at least one follower in each of the 50 states and 25 countries throughout the world.  Cruising Altitude went global in 2010...the year of the Tiger.

I posted 108 times and averaged 33.8 comments per post. The high point being 102 comments and the low point 5 (that happened to be my first post of 2010). More important than the numbers were those comments informing me of the tears and/or laughs I happened to elicit. Additionally, I was bestowed more blog awards than I can even count from my blogging colleagues.

I hosted my own blogfest (The High Drama Blogfest - which was a rousing success), started a Blog Recycle Station, wondered about a blogs lifecyle (Blog Years), and warned about the dangers of Black Ice. Overall, I exceeded 15,000 site hits in 2010.

Let’s set aside the numbers and look at the people. I’ve been introduced to, and became close…close friends with, some truly amazing people last year, all due to this blog. I was led to the critique group I’m part now of because of it. I personally met three of my blogmates (*waves* to Summer, Nicole and Tamara) and hope to expand that number this year. (No…that doesn’t mean that I want the three of them to gain weight. Geesh!) Out of everything my blog opened up for me last year…the friendships I’ve formed tower above them all.

Full disclosure compels me to tell you I also came very very close to pulling the plug at one point last year. It was during a time filled with self-doubt and internal conflict, but by reading about similar struggles helped me through it.

So, although I fell short of my writing goals (and I’m okay with that) last year, the success of my blog more than makes up for it. A heartfelt thank you goes out to each of you who visited me even once in 2010. You are what keeps this train on track.

That was last year. Time to swivel the head around and look forward to the bigger and better. This is the point where you ask me…what have you done for me lately?

Speaking of that, don’t forget about the Significant Other Blogfest on January 21st.

2011…here I come.


  1. Wow! What a great year you have had. I think we all have those moments where we want to pull the plug. But this blogging community is so amazing that it helps keep us going.

    Great post!

  2. You had a fantastic year! WTG! I'm so glad you didn't pull the plug. I'd miss your posts.

  3. So blessed. I'm glad you feel so blessed.

  4. Wow. You passed some amazing milestones in 2010!

    I'm glad to have found your blog in 2011, and can't wait to read about your literary adventures.

  5. Congrats on such an awesome blogging year. :D

  6. What an incredible year! I'm so glad that I found your blog in 2010 and look forward to this year's posts :)

  7. What a great year! I'm glad I could be a part of it. :)

  8. We are going to PWN 2011! It will rock!

  9. I fell short of some of my goals this year too, with my writing (not so much the blogging). But I prefer to think of these goals as just being postponed, not failed. Because I'm starting off 2011 stronger than I ever have before.

    I had hoped to query a novel in 2010, but instead, I completely pulled the plug on that novel. Now in 2011, I will be querying a totally different project (this time a children's book), but the change in direction is a very good thing.

  10. you are so right about blogging buddies helping us through those tough times. I know they help me when I'm about ready to give up--or go under the desk and never come out again. :D

    2010 was a great year for you--here's to an even better 2011!

  11. Amazing! almost 500 follower in one year but you totally deserve the follow! Your blog is a blast and so are you! Here's wishing you a fantastic 2011!

  12. What an awesome year!!! Thank goodness you never pulled the plug, you would definitely be missed!

  13. 34 to 584 is huge, dude!
    My book release was a major event for me in 2010, but so was finding so many new blogging buddies.
    Keep going strong, DL!

  14. Wow, that is amazing! You really accomplished a TON with your blog. Way to go!

  15. You had a pretty amazing year and I have to agree. The blogging community-there's nothing like it. I'm glad you stuck with it :)

    Good luck in the upcoming year!!!

  16. Sounds like you had a great year! And you know what? 2011 is going to be so much better than 2010. I just know it!

  17. Excellent stats! Congrats on a successful year.


    Only forward progress and growth.

    Here's to kicking some 2011 butt! :)


  19. Every bit of your blog success is well-deserved, D.L. You are a key piece of our blogging community, and I have loved getting to know you! :-)

    Is it okay if I post my blogfest entry on the 22nd? I'm hosting Michelle McLean's blog tour on the 21st.

  20. Wow - you've really had a spectacular year, DL! Congrats and I'm glad you didn't pull the plug! Hope 2011 is even better! :)

  21. That is one impressive blogging year!

    I understand the desire to pull the plug, but I'm really glad you decided to stay.

  22. Wow! What an amazing year. Here's wishing you an even better 2011!

  23. Wow, to go from 34 to over 500--amazing! I still remember being all giddy over each new follower in the beginning...ha, I STILL get slaphappy when I see someone has clicked the follow button!

  24. You certainly achieved an awful lot in 2010, have a great 2011!

  25. You had an incredible year, DL. And since we owe my husband's parents a visit sometime soon, I'll see if we can meet as well. (They live north of LR.)

  26. Conrgats on your success. Hope 2011is even better for you all around.

    You have an award waiting at my blog for you.



  27. I hope you celebrated your successes!
