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The Significant Other Blogfest

We’ve all heard the saying…behind every successful man or woman…there’s a person who supports them unconditionally.  Nowhere is that more true than with us writers.  Who else would put up with our 2 AM wake up calls to solicit opinions of a shiny new idea? Our whiplash inducing confidence swings?  The hours upon hours in front of the computer monitor, with nary a grunt or nod when they attempt to disrupt our creative flow?  The compulsive need to check email on our Smartphone’s for that reply we’ve been waiting so anxiously for?  Or reading the fifty-seventh revision of our first chapter?

It takes a special person to put up with writers idiosyncrasies…and we believe its time they had their say!  That’s why I, along with my blogging buddy across the pond Talli Roland, are teaming up to host THE SIGNIFICANT OTHER BLOGFEST.  We’re joining forces to urge everybody to relinquish control of your blogs for one day, January 21st, so your significant others might assume the reins and tell us what it’s like to support a writer.  I got the idea after reading Talli's recent post where she describes her husband, and it got me thinking...why can't he describe Talli to us?  And there’s no begging off because you don’t have a spouse (thus the politically correct title), choose a sibling or someone else who can tell us what it’s like to prop you up day after day.  But you’re not allowed to censor or coach them in anyway, we want the hard-boiled truth!  The good, the bad, and the ugly!  We’d really like to see them step out from behind the curtain and tell us a little bit more about you…and them.

We realize this may take some coaxing on your part, but just think how much fun this will be.  They have an entire month to organize their thoughts (and emotions), but the important part is that they won’t be alone in doing this.  No one will be critiquing or judging that day….PROMISE! 

At the bottom of the page is the famous Mr. Linky to sign up with and we’ve included this nifty badge to use in promoting the event on your own blog, if you’re willing.
Please sign up, then spread the word! This is a chance for your significant other to support you one more way. 

We really hope you'll participate.

*Edit - Although our first choice would be to have your significant other post their own material, it is acceptable to interview them and post those responses.  The only catch is that you must include these three questions.

1. What food or drink is guaranteed to return your loved one to a good mood, even after a bad day writing?
2. What one thing would you change about your others writing habits?
3. How hard is it to sit by and watch someone you care for struggle to attain a dream...knowing there's very little you can do to help?

Also, we want to reiterate that your significant other can be a child, sister, brother, close friend, etc.  It does not have to be a husband/wife.

Talli & DL 


  1. Woooo! Thank you so much for your fabulous idea, and for asking me to be co-host! I can't wait.

  2. Cool idea! My DH is already a blogger in his own hermetically sealed software geek world, but perhaps I could persuade him to exit that and enter my world for one blog post. I'll work on it!

  3. I just read about this over at Talli's blog. What a great idea! I'll have to get my hubby's okay (easier said than done!) before I sign up, though.

  4. Don, Talli - this is a great idea. Not sure if I can get my hubs to partake, but I'm sure I can round up my kids. I'm in!! OMGosh, I'm scared. What will they write....

  5. I just emailed my hubby to see if he'd go for this. He could really grind me into the dirt. LOL, what fun.

  6. Great idea! Evan's easy to persuade, so he's already said yes. :)

  7. This sounds great! Wonder how many followers I will lose with this one :D

  8. Before I sign up, I need to ask husband if he's willing.

    (and I'm a little terrified of what he might say...I mean, I'm not sure I want to hear how he is a saint and quietly sets down a plate of food and tiptoes away while I look a hot mess in my sweats and ponytail for the 3rd day in a row. *sigh*)

  9. I had to come visit the blog behind the person who encouraged this!!!
    Actually, it'll be quite fun since my husband just told me I was addicted to my blog and didn't think I go go without it for a day. Ummm, probably not! so his blog should be interesting :)

  10. Oh, this is a great idea but I have to get permission from my SO first!

  11. I was just saying this sounds like loads of fun to read, and JRM loves to write... I'm wondering if I can nail his flippers down and make him do it... I'm considering a Q&A format~

    Merry Christmas! <3

  12. Am I the only one who's slightly scared? ... I'll ask my hubby ... And then I'll probably try to talk him out of it :)

  13. I signed up, now I just have to ask the husband. We'll see what he says...

  14. COOL idea! My husband won't be able to write something -- he's so against the written word that he won't even compose a text message. But I plan to interview him. Is that allowed? I will create a short list of questions that ask for the good, the bad, and the hideous. I won't doctor his answers at all...I won't even correct his English, which will be humorous since (as you know) he's French. Fun! (...I think...maybe not...maybe scary....yikes...!)

  15. Awe! Looks like so much fun! The hubs will never agree. He does not do social networking site of any kind for any reason. But I can't wait to read everyone elses!

  16. I'm not sure I wanna turn the man loose on y'all like that. OMG, what will he SAY?

    Are you SURE I can't edit just a teensy tiny bit?

  17. A really fun idea!!! I will see if I can talk my honey into it!

  18. Such a great idea! I've signed up. Now to convince my fiance...

  19. I signed up. I'll tell hubby about it tonight. :)

  20. I have to somehow convince the hubby. Won't.Be.Easy. :-)

  21. what a great idea, I'd love the unvarnished opinion of K in the permanent aspect of my blog.

  22. I'm in. This a great idea. Now to explain that to the wife...

  23. Veryyy cool idea DL! And it feels good to be back! Thank you for the encouragement. Your email gave me the push i needed to get back to this wonderful world of bloggers :D

    I have no significant other.... but i do have my best friend ALEXA! She may as well be my lover... but not sexually haha. (wow awkward TJ). Perhaps she can help me join this blog fest!

  24. This is such a cool idea. Am looking forward to reading some unique blogs that day.

  25. What a cool idea! Don't know if I'll have a participant but we'll see.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. *Sorry for deleting the above comment.

    I don't have a significant other, but am already looking forward to reading the posts, especially considering some things we've learned about certain bloggers' significant others.

  28. this looks like super fun! i'll have to see if the hubs is willing... ohman. he is awful mischievious...

  29. Great idea - sadly my hubby never touches a computer and might not even know what a blog is... Pretty sure it's not going to happen for me but I'll see what I can do!

  30. Just to let everybody know we've amended the Blogfest to include the following:

    *Edit - Although our first choice would be to have your significant other post their own material, it is acceptable to interview them and post those responses. The only catch is that you must include these three questions.

    1. What food or drink is guaranteed to return your loved one to a good mood, even after a bad day writing?
    2. What one thing would you change about your others writing habits?
    3. How hard is it to sit by and watch someone you care for struggle to attain a dream...knowing there's very little you can do to help?

    Also, we want to reiterate that your significant other can be a child, sister, brother, close friend, etc. It does not have to be a husband/wife.

    Talli & DL

  31. Very cool idea! I like the interview questions, that will give my husband something to go on! At least he'll let me interview him...he's not much of a blogger!

  32. Wow that sound so super fun but I don't think my husband would go for it. He doesn't consider himself a writer... but I am going to at least attempt to get him on board!

    Just a reminder! Be Jolly By Golly Blog fest is this Monday! Melissa and I look forward to reading your entry!

    Unedited & Jules and the Stars

  33. I'll have to see if I can convince my hubby to write about me, even if I'm slightly nervous about what he'll say.

  34. What a great idea! Can't wait to see the results.

  35. Cool idea!

    Can't join, though, since I have a blogfest on the 21st, too (my birthday!)... maybe you could persuade your significant other to write me a story? ; )

    Merry christmas!

  36. Sounds like fun, and hosted by two of my favorite bloggers!

  37. This is a great idea. Will talk to my wife about it.

    I'm new to your blog. Looks very good.

  38. This is a great idea, I hope my husband will do it. I know he thinks I spend far too much time on the computer and he is not really into it. I forced him to get face book (although he has connected with quite a few past flings) LOL. I am sure he will do it; I am just not sure I want to see what he writes.

  39. He agreed, He is looking forward to it and I am afraid of what he will say.

  40. This is a great idea! Great job!

    I'm signed up and my husband agreed to participate.

  41. Really interesting concept, although if I participate I'll probably still be posting as Hubby is so lazy! :P I'll have to be his scribe!

  42. I'm interested to read all the posts!

  43. What a fun idea. And you've gotten a good amount of interest. I will ask my significant other prior to committing, but I linked this on my blog. :)

  44. I love this idea but let's see if The Man loves the idea...

  45. This sounds SCARY - but awesome. Count me in!!

  46. PLUS it made Friday Link Love today! I can't wait!

  47. Hhhmm this should be fun. Saw this over at Kari Marie's.

  48. What a fun idea! I haven't even asked my hubby yet if he'd like to do it. I just signed us up. Ha ha! Can't wait to see what he says... ;)

  49. THis is awesome. I'm hoping my hubby will joint in!

  50. Hi DL! I've read your post in December but couldn't commit straight away until I've got a 'yes' from my husband! Today I finally got a resounding YES! I can't wait to read all the posts on 21 Jan! Thanks for doing this, Talli and DL! :)

  51. Okay - my husband agreed WAY too easily - think he'll use this as an opportunity to vent for my inability to say anything more than hmm, or 5 more minutes, while sitting at my computer...

  52. I only write on my blog, but this is a great idea, and I entered. :)

  53. I'm taking a chance here, signing up before asking him and before I've fixed that dinner I promised. If I burn it, is he off the hook?

  54. This should be fun - although I'm a little scared to see what my husband writes...

  55. Love this idea! It'll be interesting to see what everyone says.

  56. What a great idea! Can't wait for this blogfest!

  57. Check out my post here...

  58. So sad I missed this blogfest, would have been very interesting to see what my other half had to say about me. Sigh!

    All the best with it tho, I know it will be a success!

  59. I'm going to TRY to get him to do it. He's an engineer, so expect logic, conservative words and formulas. Being the spouse of a humor writer is frightening for him--this just might be a good release.

  60. Great idea! I couldn't persuade one of my Significant Others to take part, but happily there was another More Significant Other who was more than willing.

  61. I've entered in:) My boyfriend just about took my breath away with his responses.

  62. Sssh! Food Guy is asleep. This is Gypsy, his feline princess. I entered, of course. Come get the low down on this hound dog!

  63. Okay, it is in - I welled up with tears reading it and I can only hope that the reader finds it as warming as I do.

  64. Um, so I totally forgot about it. Very sad. Maybe I'll have him do it some other time. I should have written it down somewhere. Bummer.

  65. What a cool idea! Thanks Talli for having this blogfest!

  66. Getting into a relationship for a blogfest probably wouldn't be the brightest idea, huh?




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