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A Writers Circular Logic - Revisted

I write . . . therefore . . . I am
I am . . . therefore . . . I must have purpose
I must have purpose . . . therefore . . . I set goals and objectives
I set goals and objectives . . . therefore . . . I am singularly focused
I am singularly focused . . . therefore . . . I am easily distracted
I am easily distracted . . . therefore . . . I must have Netflix, Facebook, Dish, etc.
I must have Netflix, Facebook, Dish, etc. . . . therefore . . . I am in debt
I am in debt . . . therefore . . . I need a real job
I need a real job . . . therefore . . . I must have a decent education
I must have a decent education . . . therefore . . . I probably attended an institution of higher learning
I probably attended an institution of higher learning . . . therefore . . . I would have partaken in the college experience
I would have partaken in the college experience . . . therefore . . . Many of my brain cells have bitten the dust.
Many of my brain cells have bitten the dust . . . therefore . . . I can’t remember what my next point is
I can’t remember what my next point is . . . therefore . . . I make notes
I make so many notes . . . therefore . . . I write
I write . . . therefore . . .I am


  1. Hahahahhahahhahhahahahah. That's so twisted, it's logical, and perfect.

  2. I feel this way many days, lol.

  3. Hi DL - such a fun post ... very clever and regrettably so true ...

    Good luck and cheers Hilary

  4. You know, this is how I feel when I go to recall names on the fly. It was that last baby, I tell you. No need for institutions of higher education on my behalf. =)

  5. This makes WAY too much sense… Argggh!

  6. I can jump from the first "therefore" directly to "I can't remember..." and close the loop from there.




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