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WRiTE CLUB 2019 - Wanna Be a Slushpile Reader?

WRiTE CLUB is back in 2019 for its eighth year and we're looking for slushpile readers!

The contest is right around the corner and that means I need help!  Although anyone from anywhere can enter WRiTE CLUB and we’ll take as many submissions as needed, the scheduled bouts are limited to only 30 participants (fifteen bouts).  In order to narrow down what I estimate will be 200-225 entries (500-word samples) in a fair and unbiased manner – I need a selection committee of 20 judges (I like to call them my slushpile readers) to read all of the entries and vote for their favorites, which I will then use to select the top 30.

Before you raise your hand, I need to fully explain what you would be volunteering for.  This is a big commitment!  First, you must be open to installing and using Dropbox (a free file sharing program that I will provide complete instructions on how to use). After the submission window opens on March 18th and closes on April 14th, you will have until April 28th to read what could be 225+ entries, each one approximately 500 words long (which equates to the length of a small book), select 30 of what you believe are the best ones -- then rank those 30 in order of most liked.

Most importantly – you cannot be a WRiTE CLUB contestant if you do this. 

Also, our slushpile readers serve as promoters for the contest as well so you'll need to be willing to hit the social media trail to help raise interest leading up its start. In this vein, we'll hold a couple of Twitter Parties during the open submission window to help spark participation.

So, what do you say?  Interested in helping shape how the competition plays out – without officially participating?  If so, send an email to and I will be in touch.

If you’ve been a slushpile reader in the past, do me a favor and leave a comment below letting everyone what a favorable experience it is.

Thank you in advance.


Oh…and it’s never too early to start promoting. Submissions for WRiTE CLUB will open on March 18th. Tell your friends!




  1. I was a slushpile reader last year. It was a blast! 500 word excerpts are quick reads and the hardest part was not being able to vote for ALL the good ones.




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