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I told myself I wasn’t going to post about this, because frankly I have mixed emotions, but here I am anyway. Last Sunday night while I slept contently in my bed, no doubt dreaming about my next plot twist for my current WIP, Youngman made a choice of significant importance to me. You see, he chose to become my 1000th follower.

Nine hundred ninety-nine bloggers preceded him, but he turned out to be the lucky one.  There were no swirling colored lights, deafening sirens, or burst of confetti that accompanied that click of his mouse, but there should have been. Around the blogosphere reaching a thousand followers is a big deal, and as much as I preach that the number of comments left on each post is a better measure of how much impact you have around here, I selfishly still yearned for that magic number.  Not to take anything away from Youngman, but the 1000th is just as important as the 1st (who was probably my wife…or mother) or any of those in between.

In the official system of measurement a thousand is one kilo-, officially abbreviated as K. Technically oriented people occasionally represent large numbers by replacing the last three zeros of the general numeral with "k", for instance, 30k for 30,000. So basically, one K = 1000 eaches. In blogspeak, each individual follower is a piece of the whole, and for me, part of the K.  This is oddly appropriate because I see this as a perfect illustration of where the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. The symbiotic relationship a blogger has with his/her followers can…and should… transcend normal bonds.

Last week I had 551 new visitors drop by my blog (a personal record), mostly because of WRiTE CLUB, and that number boggles my mind. But what I constantly have to remind myself is getting somebody to drop by once is easy, getting them to come back that second, third, fourth time is the trick. That’s why I tend to focus on comments as a measuring stick for success, but even that is flawed because plenty of followers stop by to read, but don’t comment (which is fine). Regardless, I will continue to find ways to keep things fresh and interesting around here because that’s my role right now. Someday, when I become published, I hope to become more of a mentor. I’ve yet to earn that right, but watching me get there is part my story. 

Cruising Altitude 2.0 is as much about you as it is me. Together we have come a long way. Climbed a steep mountain without even realizing that’s what we were doing. I realize that many of those that make up the K are long gone, but that doesn’t matter. I am thankful to those you who are here in the trenches with me now.

Thank you * K + 13 (as of today).

:) DL


  1. And now it seems to be K + 14! Congratulations, this is an amazing achievement!

  2. You have an awesome blog, so this does not surprise me.

  3. Very cool! Congrats on hitting the big time :)

  4. Congrats on the 1000+ followers. Youngman is a very funny blogger and he keeps me interested in what he has to say... as do you!

  5. That is an amazing number. I'm one that reads many blogs, not always commenting, since I have so many to read. I enjoy seeing milestones reached.

  6. Congratulations! I have no doubt that many of those K are repeat visitors

  7. Congratulations and welcome to the K club!
    Once you go over that number, it does become more about the comments than the followers. (Because there's no way to keep up with that many.)
    You've got something great going with Write Club. That's how I feel about the IWSG. Best thing I ever did.

  8. Congrats. I have a lonnnnngggggg way to go before I get to K. or even half K. Which is fine. I wouldn't know what to do with them all anyway. I can't even keep up with 339.

    And thanks for your lovely comments at Susan's yesterday, and mine. That was very sweet.

  9. Kongrats! (:

    K is also for the kilos I have to work off after my vacation in the States...but I digress.

  10. Enjoy your victories every time you can! Congrats!

  11. Congrats on the new followers. So well deserved, DL!

  12. Congratulations! Enjoy all your victories. :)

  13. That is awesome. Congratulations, DL!!!

  14. When I visited on Monday I did see you were at a thousand followers. People don't follow if they're not going to come back, so all your followers are loyal ones!

  15. Congrats on the number! I'm still relatively new to the blogosphere, so I can't imagine hitting that number! Hopefully I will someday, though! Good for you! :D

  16. Congratulations on reaching that awesome K number! It takes a lot of work to reach that 1000 followers mark! I try not to watch that number on my own blog, but I secretly do cheer every time it goes up a little. :D

  17. Congrats DL. We've been in this haul together for a while, and I'm SOOO proud of you and all the things you've accomplished. You're a huge inspiration to not only me, but obviously LOTS of people. You should bathe in this glory, because you deserve it sir. :)

  18. So proud of you, Don. You deserve ten times that number.

  19. I totally thought you already had 1000+ followers, lol. Shows you how much I pay attention ;)


  20. I know it's hard not to judge by milestones like that, but it's still an amazing achievement! Congrats!

  21. Congratulations, D.L. A thousand followers is quite an accomplishment. As a sporadic blogger, I know it takes dedication and hard work to build that type of following. FWIW, I enjoy your blog and am definitely one who returns often to read what you have to say. All the best on your WIP.

  22. congrats! wonderful feeling, i bet! way to go!

  23. K+16 now... and counting. Congratulations! With that many groupies, I'm truly humbled that you find time to visit my blog. Thank you, dear sir. And here's wishing you success in achieving your second K. (NOT a strike-out ... more like a grand slam!)

  24. Woohoo! That's very exciting! :) You've worked hard for your success & I'm thrilled for you :)

  25. Congratulations on the 1,000+ D-Bone!

    But it surprises me not in the least -- you offer a caring, friendly, supportive, informative, and fun place for a weary traveler of the blogoverse to rest his feet, and there's little wonder that it's a popular stop on the tour. ;^)

    ...and to think I was excited that I recently rolled over to 100 followers, lol! ;^)

  26. And what a wonderful choice it was!

    I completely agree that it is tough to quantify what the most important numbers are. But I think that 1K is a very good number.

    And look at me, coming back to your blog for the 3rd, 4th, 5th time. You must be doing something right!

  27. Reaching K is a great milestone and worthy of recognition. Good on you!

    I admit, I'm gearing up for this WRiTE CLUB. It's like our own grassroots writer gladiator with anonymity :-)

  28. CONGRATS on your 1000+ followers! Great milestone to reach.

  29. I'm a fairly new follower (from WRITE CLUB), but I've really enjoyed reading your posts so far! Congratulations!

  30. WOW Congrats on reaching the "K" milestone!!! :)

  31. A blogger who appreciates his audience is on his way to success. (that's my opinion)

    Congrats on the 1K!

  32. Yay! Here's to doing it right. Congrats on the K.

  33. That is a lot of people. Congratulations!

  34. Congrats on reaching such a massive milestone (and so many people).

    <- One of the lurkers. ^_^

  35. This is definitely a K-worthy blog. Yay for you.

  36. Congratulations on your blogging success. :) Yeah, I think a lot of people don't bother to comment. I know I don't always comment after I read a blog post.

  37. Holy cow! 1,000 is a lot of followers! I tend to look at page views because even if people aren't commenting I hope they're coming to read. I often read without commenting - especially if I don't have anything intelligent say! Not sure if this qualifies ;)

  38. Congratulations! I'm glad I could be a small part of the K :)

  39. Congrats, DL!! That's a huge milestone. Awesome!

  40. What a great post to mark the occasion of your 1000th follower! Before I started reading, I was trying to figure out what the K meant. I didn't guess right!

  41. Wow congratulations! That's quite a feat!

  42. Oh wow! That's great! Congratulations!

  43. Congratulations, and the list is still growing!

  44. Congratulation on reaching 1000 followers. I know what you mean about the number of comments and return readers being far more indicative of blogging success, but you can't help but love to see that magical number 1000 followers. It just looks and feels special. It certainly means that whatever you are doing, it is working. I am not yet published and I also use the blogosphere to learn and to improve my craft as well as to connect with and befriend other writers. I have learned more from the blogs I follow than from the hundreds of writing books I have read and the seminars I have attended. I learn from unpublished writers just as I learn from published authors, agents and other resources. In a way, I feel even more connected to the writers who I have followed and interacted with on their journey toward publication. We learn from each others mistakes and well as when we succeed.

    You are a major contributor to this blogging community and you have created fun and interesting ways for everyone to connect and interact. When I think of the blogger/writers that keep this whole thing going, your name is definitely at the top of my short list. You should be proud of all of your accomplishments and I know that you are close to becoming one the next published authors that I follow.

  45. Wow, congratulations - that's such an awesome number!




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