what you’ve been waiting for! WRiTE CLUB
is back! My highly successful undertaken
from last year whose inspiration was born from the movie FIGHT CLUB is ready to
go another round with some significant improvements. There have been numerous versions of this
concept around the internet before, but nothing quite like how we do it here. This unique approach, combined with your participation,
will continue to set it apart.

you bouncing up and down in your chair with excitement, wondering how to submit
your sample? It’s simple, first you need
to sign up to be a member of WRiTE CLUB
on the Magical Linky Tool at the bottom of this post (a new requirement for
2012), then send your submission to My wife will be monitoring that email address
and assigning a number to each one we receive.
I will never see who authored any sample, other than by the
pen-name. On July 30th I will randomly
select two of these anonymous entries and post them for head to head
competition. The winner will be selected
by our readers via their votes left in the comments. Ties will be decided by me (if
necessary). The victor will
automatically be eligible for the playoffs that will begin October 22, 2012, and
the runner up will be placed back in the open pool for possible selection in
another round.
are the tenets (with explanation) that guide the competition. For those of you who took part last year
you’ll notice that a few of them have been tweaked.
1st RULE:
You MUST talk about WRiTE CLUB - Spread the word far and wide so we can involve as many
writers as possible. Display the WRiTE CLUB banner prominently on your
own blog. Write a post about it. Tweet it.
Mention it on Facebook. Encourage people to submit or vote.
2nd RULE:
You DO NOT talk about WRiTE CLUB – Once the competition begins you are not allowed to solicit
votes. All of the writing entries are
anonymous, and we want it to stay that way.
3rd RULE:
If someone taps out, WRiTING is over
- Tapping out means a WRiTER can decide at any time during the 12 week competition to
withdraw their name from the pool.
4th RULE:
Only two people to a WRiTE - This is a head-to head competition, no ganging up allowed.
5th RULE:
Three WRiTE's per week - No matter how many submissions I receive, there will only be
three WRiTE per week.
7th RULE:
WRiTES will go on until Oct5th - On that date the 36 winners will be matched up against one
another on daily posts until the ultimate WRiTER
is chosen.
8th RULE:
If this is your first week at WRiTE
CLUB, you HAVE to WRiTE - Each week new
submissions will be placed in a "newby" pool from which one half of
the WRiTE will be made up. The other WRiTER will come from the existing pool. If there are no "newbies", both WRiTERS will come from the existing
pool less the previous winners.
what’s new for 2012? As I mentioned
above, anyone who wants to participate (submit a writing sample OR to vote)
will need to add their name to the Magical Link list below, officially becoming
a member of the WRiTE CLUB. Not on the list…no voting or submitting
allowed. The second change is that we’ve
increased the word count for submissions up to 500 words. And the most exciting change of all….
The winner of the final round
will be picked by a panel of publishing industry professionals! Agents, Editors, Marketers, and published
authors! Here’s the gang (in
totally random order).
Jill Marsal - Jill Marsal is a partner at the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency. She has been in the publishing industry almost 15 years. On the fiction front, Jill looks for all types of romance (contemporary, paranormal, romantic suspense, historical, and category), women's fiction and family stories, cozy mysteries, and thrillers. She is also looking for general commercial fiction and welcomes a dramatic storyline and compelling characters in interesting situations or relationships. On the non-fiction side, Jill's areas of interest include business, current events, health, self-help/advice, relationships, psychology, parenting, and narrative non-fiction.

Lauren Ruth - Lauren started her publishing career as an intern at Simon & Schuster's Touchstone/Fireside imprint while earning her B.A. in English language and literature from Pace University. Shortly thereafter, she completed her second internship at BookEnds, where she fell in love with the literary agency side of the publishing industry. Lauren also blogs at
ME Johnson – Em (as she likes to be called) is freelance writer and Senior Editor of Open Heart Publishing and its annual anthology An Honest Lie. Her published works include: “Call of the Quitter,”published in the 1997 edition of Dreams of Everyday by The PoetryGuild, "The Story of Why Your Mother Always Told You To Stand Up
Straight,” published online on September 28, 2008 by The Village Wit, "Crossing the Guard," published in An Honest Lie, Volume 1:Encouraging the Delinquency of your Inner Child" by Open HeartPublishing, and "The Other Side of the Wall," published in An HonestLie, Volume 2: Delusions of Insignificance. Her full length novel,"The End" will be publishing this year.
Straight,” published online on September 28, 2008 by The Village Wit, "Crossing the Guard," published in An Honest Lie, Volume 1:Encouraging the Delinquency of your Inner Child" by Open HeartPublishing, and "The Other Side of the Wall," published in An HonestLie, Volume 2: Delusions of Insignificance. Her full length novel,"The End" will be publishing this year.
know they'll be questions, so go ahead and leave them in the comments section
and I'll post the answers in a follow-up post.
you game? Are you willing to WRiTE for what you want? Then crack those knuckles and get ready to
flex that imagination. And whatever you
do, tell your friends!
WRiTE CLUB 2012 is ON!!!
Forget my morning caffeine! This contest has my blood pumping! I'd better start pumping up my prose.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited!!!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah! I missed the sibmission window last year bur I'm 100% on board this year! Thanks for hosting this Don!
ReplyDeleteDude, this sounds awesome and I want to be a part of it, but I need more caffeine before I fully understand what it's all about LOL!
ReplyDeleteWow you've outdone yourself, DL! Coolness!!
ReplyDeleteSo excited, DL. Looking forward to the first round!
ReplyDeleteAwesome, D.L.! Can't wait to meet and read the new contenders!
ReplyDeleteWow, you're big time with this now, DL!
ReplyDeleteYay! This is amazing! I can't wait to see the first round!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad this is back! Very cool about the "celebrity" judges at the end :)
ReplyDeleteI'm in and I'm not going to write about death! Yay!!!
ReplyDeleteDid you ever imagine it would get this big, DL?
ReplyDeleteWow, this is going to be awesome!!!! Look at all the amazing celebrities you've got lined up.
ReplyDeleteI love that participants can't solicit votes.
This is so awesome! Ahhh! I missed it last year so THIS YEAR defs count me IN.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Obviously no one talked about the previous WRiTE Club, as per last year's Rule #1 ;)
ReplyDeleteHoley Moley, DL! You got some seriously heavy hitters for your Write Club! Write on! Going to tweet now. :)
ReplyDeleteWahoo! I missed the submission time last year as well...not this year though :) Thanks for hosting. Always been a fan of your DL!
ReplyDeleteIt's a little strange seeing my picture there under Rachelle's ... LOL. I may not be a celebrity, but I am SO STOKED to be judging. Can't wait to see all the amazing entries!!!! For the final round, will you be posting all of the judges reviews? It might be interesting for people to see why each person voted the way they did. Just a though. SO EXCITED!
ReplyDelete(oh, and do I sign up on the Linky thingy if I'm not submitting my work but I want to support?)
Wow!! Wow again! Talk about big time, DL! This is going to be another bunch of fun! Love it :)
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! Write Club is back! I'm game.
ReplyDeleteAllison (Geek Banter)
I'm not sure I'm going to put anything in this year but I'm going to be voting. I might, but I'm not sure. Should I still put my name on the linky list?
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like fun, Don! Three years ago I'd have run away screaming. But my writing group do these sorts of 500 word anonymous contests, so I've had some experience. Now to figure out what to write--between decorating projects happening in July.
ReplyDeleteSia McKye OVER COFFEE
Sounds like a lot of fun. Was linked here by my girlfriend and I'm looking forward to trying this out.
ReplyDeleteTwo questions, though: 500-word limit is the upper limit, yes? Not a "roughly this size" guideline? And do we submit multiple stories as we see fit, or submit one whenever we get to it and let that one try to make it?
You are big time now. Guess this will be a regular feature now.
ReplyDeleteGeez, DL. I couldn't finish reading all the rules....Too much like math word problems! :D
ReplyDeleteI'll be participating.
ReplyDeleteAlso, sorry about getting myself on the list twice. It didn't seem to have updated.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so cool. I love to write flash. But I'm going to be taking a blog break the month of September and concentrating solely on my WIP.
ReplyDeleteSo tempted, but worried it will distract from the major edits I'm trying to complete this summer. I might come back and sign up - I think I followed this blog half-way through last year's comp and it looked so much fun!
ReplyDeleteSounds like an awesome idea, I'm in! :D
ReplyDeleteFun concept. I already like this better than the Fight Club!
ReplyDeleteNow that I’m having heart palpitations and sudden case of angina, I think I better get started on some WRiTiNG! So excited!
ReplyDeleteKudos for organizing the "fight" and for coming up with such an impressive list of judges to decide the final round. (And we don't even have to worry about getting our teeth kicked out!) Great idea. Thank you, dear sir.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds awesome! I'm really looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteI guess it's time to bring my game face. #GameOn!
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm new to this so I'm a little nervous. But I am really excited too!
ReplyDeleteHeard about this over at the lovely Sus Swiderski's place. Thank you for organizing this.
ReplyDeleteWow, this sounds pretty cool. I'll have to see if I can come up with anything.
ReplyDeleteNice panel. I've been rejected by a few of them...
This is my first contest... And I'm nervous just reading the rules!
ReplyDeleteLove the Fight Club theme.
That's awesome that WRiTE Club is back!
ReplyDeletewow! right when i'm going off to camp! i still copied the rules. it's tempting!
ReplyDeleteI shall just hold my nose and close my eyes, just like I did for my first leap into the deep end...wait, that won't work for writing.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the new season of Write Club. Woot!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this lovely opportunity! I'm crossing my fingers...which will make writing all the more
ReplyDeleteDonna L Martin
I'm lacing up my gloves. Thanks D.L.!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to get my groove on to come up with something for this! Sounds mega, DL!
ReplyDeleteI'm in! *Takes off shirt, wiggles toes*
ReplyDeleteI'm in :) Sounds fun!
ReplyDeleteHelz yeah!
ReplyDeleteBare-knuckle brawling using words alone.
I'm so in this.
Tweeted, Facebooked, Blogged
ReplyDeleteIs your flash fiction tough enough for some bare-knuckle brawling? Make Tyler Durden proud.
*rips jacket, sweater, and shirt into tiny pieces*
ReplyDeleteLook at this! DL! you've really amped up the stakes on our club! Looks like I'm living to fight again--LOL! :D Rock on~ <3
ReplyDeleteWell, yahoo! I just read at Heather Murphy's that you were starting this up again. I'll tweet about it as soon as I finish here. Very exciting new addition with the judges!
ReplyDeleteSounds like fun!
ReplyDeleteThis is exciting! Where do we give our pen name? In the email with our 500 word submission? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMan, this sounds so awesome......!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait!!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds fantastic! I'm going to spread the word even if I don't enter. It is a huge commitment right now. Okay, if I can finish my third round edits in the next few days, and write my first 500 word entry by July 30th, I'll go for it. Wish me luck.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to all those who enter!!!
This sounds like fun, but I do have a question. Do we have to submit every week or can we just submit one or two entries? A weekly commitment is something I cannot obligate myself to right now. :)
ReplyDeleteOh cool! Congrats on a great big new WRiTE CLUB! I wish I could participate, but the time period is going to be crazy for me. I'll help pass it along, though!
ReplyDeleteeveryone loved this so much last year! you have the best ideas! :)
ReplyDeleteoh, very cool you're doing this again!
ReplyDeleteHi I left my URl and joined site. Is that enough to have info sent keeping me abreast of situ--mostly reminding me...hehe..:) This sounds like a lot of fun and a great opportunity, to boot!
ReplyDeleteI signed up, just so I could vote. Am passing on the message, and looking forward to reading the entries.
ReplyDeleteOooh. I need these jump starts. I'm in!
ReplyDeleteAwesome Don. What a great list of celebrity judges. It was so awesome last time I can't resist another round.
This is totally cool. Off to tweet it.
ReplyDeleteAwesome that you're doing this again! I'm so in!
ReplyDeleteJust sign up! I was looking for an opportunity to write more short stuff.
ReplyDeleteAll right, I'm in, after thinking about it more. I love a healthy competition.
ReplyDeleteVery impressive line-up (love your rules--LOL)!! Look forward to tuning in!
ReplyDeleteWow! Stellar line-up. Looking forward to it this time around. It was so much fun last year!
ReplyDeleteSounds like fun. Now to find my best 500 words...
ReplyDeleteQuestion. It's just a random 500 word flash fiction piece right? It doesn't have to be from a WIP does it? Also, if you're only doing 1 match a week is it possible that a submission won't get a chance to compete?
ReplyDeleteI'm in!
ReplyDeleteLooks fun--I'm game!
ReplyDeleteReally great opportunity!
ReplyDeleteThis looks awesome. I'm so sacred, but I may join in on this opportunity. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteThat is quite the line up of judges. I'm impressed, DL! I'll be looking forward to reading the entries! :)
ReplyDeleteDL, I signed Ainsley Shay up. She's on vacation in Georgia and will be back in a week, so you'll see her post about it then. Just an FYI.
ReplyDeleteI must have lost my mind, I just signed up AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun...I think! At any rate, I'm signing on.
ReplyDeleteJust read about this on various blogs I follow, and it sounds epic. :) I have a few questions before I commit:
ReplyDeleteAre excerpts from WIPs okay, or does the 500 words have to be a complete story?
Does a new 500 words have to be submitted for each round if you make the cut?
Lastly, my husband and I are both writers and would both love to enter--but that would make us completely anonymous minus one since we've seen all of each other's work. Would that be acceptable?
Anyway, this is very exciting. No matter what, I'll certainly be checking back to see the fun unfold. :)
Thanks for answering my questions! We're both signed up. :)
ReplyDeleteYou pulled me out of my blog break! I saw one of your tweets. This sounds fun! I'll take the plunge. And a super awesome lineup of agents! And one that still likes vampires! Holy fizzle, I'm all aflutter.
ReplyDeleteMy head is spinning a bit, and I have lots 'o questions. But I'm going to reread your post, then see how this all plays out. Exciting idea, for sure!
ReplyDeleteWow,I'm impressed DL! However I'm deep in the midst of research and I don't have an extra ounce of energy to put into this. But I'll try to keep tabs. Good luck EVERYONE.
ReplyDeleteI've already signed up but do have a question. The 500 words. Is it a flash fiction piece or are we taking 500 words from a random section of a ms/WIP? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm in again! Now i just have to figure out my sample.
ReplyDeleteAlso, slightly OT, is Lauren Ruth still going to paticipate now that she's no longer an agent?
oh, one more ? - what day of the week will the WRiTES be held? As you know, my lovely work PC blocks your blog as "Porn", so i want to make sure i remember to hit your blog on my laptop during the WRiTES
ReplyDeleteI'm going to love this. Enjoyed myself last time so definitely have to go for it again. Thanks for all the hard work put into organizing this year's fight :-)
ReplyDeleteThat's a fantastic lineup of professionals. I remember reading some entries the last time--it was great stopping by and I'll do so again.
ReplyDeleteAw, DL, this is so awesome. Thanks for doing this. I see a few other people had the same questions I'm having, and I'll feel like a nudnik if the answers are somewhere obvious and I just missed them, but - I'm assuming the 500 words can be a sample or selection, and don't need to be self-contained flash fiction, but am I totally wrong? and does one resubmit every week, or a million times, or just once?
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing the work that comes up! You're an impressive man, good sir.
I'm psyched. I'm in. I can't wait.
ReplyDeleteHi DL. Just wanted to say hi and this will be my first ever competition. I've joined contests before, but this one will be a tad different and I'm excited about taking part. Thanks again:)
ReplyDeleteAlthough I'm still not sure how to participate, I might actually join in this time. ;)
ReplyDeleteOoops, I almost overlooked the bit about signing up to be eligible to vote. I'm glad I gave this a second read-through. I would've been SO SAD!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! I love this! Now... To do it or not... gaaaaah... *deciding*
ReplyDeleteBare-knuckled word fights? I'm in!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Totally joining up!
ReplyDeleteI've heard about this so many times, so now I'm hear to watch. And vote. I feel like such a voyeur.
ReplyDeleteIt's taken me a long time, but I've finally signed up :)
ReplyDeleteI'm 87 - that sounds like a lucky number :-) Yikes...I'll do a blog post today about it. Great idea!
ReplyDeleteI'm def. voting and I think I may just submit too! This is the perfect challenge to get me back into writing after having the baby (I haven't been too motivated)!
ReplyDeleteWhoa. Hugeness batman! I don't envy your wife's job! All signed up! Very exciting! Now off to spread the word!
ReplyDeleteSounds like an interesting idea. I'm going to think about it.
ReplyDeleteNever done this before, but I'm looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteArgh! I signed up... This is a good thing, I think! :-) Yes it is.
ReplyDeleteWonderful, DL! Best of luck to you and your wonderful wife for helping run this!
Okay, I'm in at 99, just like my idol, Agent 99 from Get Smart.
ReplyDeleteCool! Looking forward to this. Thanks, DL!
ReplyDeleteI've always said I work best under pressure... time to test that theory! Thanks so much for hosting such a cool contest. I'm already spinning my wheels about what to write... what fun!
ReplyDeleteHave absolutely no idea what will be submitted... quite deliciously terrifying
ReplyDeleteI love this! Really looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteI haven't done this before, I'm looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteOMG! You are AWESOME!!!
ReplyDeleteJust signed up... IT should be quite the competition. Thanks again DL!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I saw a tweet about this. Can't wait to see how this works! Thanks very much. Christy
ReplyDeleteI just found out about this but I entered. :D
ReplyDeleteLove this idea! Just added myself to the linky list and planning to blog about it soon. Can't wait for it to start. :-)
ReplyDeleteAhh have never done this before but I am trying it! I have no idea what I will submit! *HELP* lol
ReplyDeleteThis sounds amazing! Looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteI'm in! So excited!
ReplyDeleteLove this kind of stuff. I also enjoy the NYC Midnight writing challenges. If you've ever watched Chopped on the Food Network, it's kind of like that, except for writers. For flash fiction, you get a "basket" with a genre, a location, and an object. You get 48 hours to write your story.
ReplyDeleteBrand new to this, but it sounds like so much fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm in!!!
ReplyDeleteWohooo! It looks like it is going to be an amazing session.
ReplyDeleteHey DL,
ReplyDeleteYou've obviously put in a *lot* of work to get this up and running - so thanks :)
I'm in like Flynn.
Signed up!
ReplyDeleteExcited about this! I really need to get on getting a submission pulled together though...
Wow! An interesting blog post and an exciting challenge. Let the games begin!
ReplyDeleteI gave a shout-out for the Write Club competition on my blog today...hopefully it will get a few more writers to join the fun!
ReplyDeleteDonna L Martin
I'm just voting.
ReplyDeleteI'm in for voting, at least, and I'll post about Write Club on Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteThis looks super fun - I don't know how I missed it last year.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little late but as WC Fields said, "I have arrived."
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I'm doing to be honest, but I'll give this a shot. Good luck everyone. X
ReplyDeleteSounds really interesting!
ReplyDeleteOkie dokie. I'm on there.
ReplyDeleteI'm signed up and ready. Let the best words win.
ReplyDeleteWhoo-hoo! First timer here, sounds like a lot of fun! Looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteI just found you through I think therefore IYam. I signed up now I need to read more on your blog on what the heckamunda I really need to do (write).
So excited! So glad you allow signup those who find this late! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteCracking knuckles now.... fun!
ReplyDeleteOff to read and vote!