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We all arrived here in this vast, but surprisingly embracing, blogosphere with different motives -- though I imagine our reasons for being here are not as diverse as you might think.  Myself, I started blogging as one of many ways to focus this creative energy that desperately needed some kind of outlet.  I wasn't thinking about who else was out here, or what I could learn from them, or how I could leverage their knowledge to further my own writing agenda.  My focus was post after another...wondering how each would be accepted and what kind of response they might garner.

All that changed before I completed my first year of blogging when I realized what a wealth of information and experience everyone was freely and openly offering.  But there was something else as well.  A tangible, heartfelt interest in each others writing voyage and the willingness to help achieve their goals. This blog hop, scheduled for the 1st Wednesday of every month and the brainchild of the Blogfather himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh, is a prime example of that. 

But for me...and I imagine many of you...there has been even more.   A sort of lagniappe, if you will.  The Louisiana French word roughly means to throw in a little bit extraI have received something from this blogging community that I never expected, or was even looking for, when I signed on almost four years ago.  A form of support more personal in nature.

Through my blog I've made friendships that transcend the craft of writing.  Relationships that I now treasure deeply and hope won't fade away even if my quest of publication might. I didn't land here looking for them, they just kind of happened. As a result I've been touched by the compassion of selfless acts on my behalf.

I've posted before about my wife's battle with breast cancer and last week she received the Starla Staywell Pixie in the mail.  It arrived out of the blue, sent from a long-time blogging buddy.  The smile on my wife's face when she opened her gift, well, it was a gift to me.  And we both treasured our gifts!

It's that kind of support, the lagniappe, that really hits home.  So my message for you today, especially the newbies who might be peeking in, is that the encouragement exists on many levels here, if you're open to it.    


  1. Enjoyed your post and wish your wife continued recovery. Take care.

  2. I love it when random acts of kindness happen! Bloggers are amazing.

  3. The blogging community is a surprising treat, isn't it?

  4. How beautiful! It is amazing when I think of all the people I've "met" blogging. I would miss them if I ever stopped! I've meant to check into what the Insecure Writer's Support Group is. Maybe today is the day.

  5. I've always wanted to have a sort of "writer's retreat" where we could all get together and finally meet in person. That really is one of my long time goals.

    I didn't know your wife had breast cancer. How did I miss that? But now that I do know, I will pray it never returns.

  6. Oh, that's so sweet! That must have made both of your day. :D

  7. Can I say how much I LOVE your title???? And thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. :)

  8. We must be on the same wavelength, because I was going to post about friendship this week! I hope I get to meet my blog buddies one day and tell them exactly how much they've influenced me and helped me along.

  9. Wonderful gifts indeed! Hope everything is going well and getting better. I'm still praying for that.

  10. I've found the same thing with this blogging community. It's great to have so many people who I feel understand me and my goals even if the rest of the world doesn't :)

  11. Kindness can mean so much! Wishing you and your wife the best, and thanks for another great post.

  12. Still one of the biggest 'good guys'. I would dare say you get so much, because you give even more.

  13. Awesome news on your wife's condition and the kindness of strangers can be very refreshing, for sure.

  14. PK rocks! That made me want to cry. I only joined the blogoshpere because I thought I had to. It was a grudging thing that I was almost embarrassed to do (who cared what I had to say? thinking) But now that I get it, I could kick myself in the butt for not coming to the party sooner.

  15. So many wonderful and caring people out there. It is almost a year since I started blogging and I am thankful for all the friendships I have made. Best wishes to your wife, DL.

  16. WOW, that just warmed me heart!! There are good people out there and relationships to be cultivated!

  17. I feel so fortunate to have discovered blogging. There are all these people who understand what the life of a writer is like, and are willing to go above and beyond to help each other out. It's awesome!
    I hope your wife continues on the road to recovery :)

  18. What a wonderful surprise! PK is so talented and generous.
    The rewards from our presence here go way beyond what we learn about writing.

  19. Aw, thanks for giving Starla a perfect new home. I think we all have such a real community here and, altho most of us will never meet, the friendships are genuine. Thanks for being an amazing friend and supporter of us too, DL. Your comments and posts always mean so much. ((hugs))

  20. D.L., I did not know about your wife. I knew that your family was going through a challenging time -- I remember you posting that, but not the details. I wish her strength and continued recovery.

  21. What a beautiful post. The blogosphere is an amazing place—the support, the friendships, the ability to connect with writers of all types to exchange ideas and to learn. It's an incredible resource for which I am very grateful.

    Wishing you and your wife health, happiness, and the best of everything, DL.

    ~VR Barkowski

  22. I've met a lot of amazing people through blogging and I'm so glad I've been doing it. There is kindness, compassion, and good in the world. It's always wonderful to find that all around you.

    I can imagine the look on your wife's face when she received that. Someone is thinking about you and your wife. I know I am.

  23. I adore the new pixie, and I'm so glad it put a smile on your wife's face - she deserves it. All of PK's pixies are delightful. She's so creative! Wishing you and your family love, health and happiness. :-)

  24. I didn't know about your wife. I hope she recovers. The blogisphere has been a wonderful encouragement to me too.

  25. I've always believed the world was filled with wonderful caring people, but I didn't realize most of them were bloggers. What a fabulous community! That Pixie is just further proof of it. I hope your wife is doing well.

    (Love the nickname Blogfather!)

  26. Yes it does Don. I can't tell you how often I've received an e-mail from a treasured blog friend that made my day so much the better. I didn't know I would find such amazing friends by blogging, but some people are so precious to me I feel as if they are family. Makes the universe such a small place.


  27. Hi, DL! Great post. : )

  28. I've only been blogging for a year but already have met wonderful, talented, and caring people from all over the world. It's really amazing. And what a great gift your wife received, that even put smile on my face. The on-line writing community ROCKS and I'm so glad to be a part of it.

  29. awww! its people like that, that make life worth living! what a wonderful thing to do!

    and we are so glad to have you!

  30. I love the blogging community, it's the main thing that's kept me on this road over the last year since I started my blog. If it weren't for this community, I'd have given up a long time ago.

  31. I had no idea what to expect when I tentatively started my blog and making those first little comments on other people's (for ages I just lurked on Alex's blog, because it seemed like such a tight-knit group), but I was welcomed as everyone else has been since. It's awesome!!

  32. Hey friend! What a great post! It sums up so much of the very best parts of blogging, and does it so beautifully, with such heart, that I wish I could come through my computer screen and hug you AND your loved ones.

    I've missed your words. And your posts. Thanks (as always) for sharing them.

  33. It's acts like that and of those who were posting for Chad Morris and Bridget Zinn last week that make it all worth it!

  34. I couldn't agree with you more DL!

    What a kind gesture from PK.... She is such a sweetie. I will be seeing her in a few weeks, and I will personally give her a hug from you!

    I hope your wife is doing well and keeping positive. I pray for cancer survivors daily and I know she will be one of them.

    Thank you for the kind comment you left on my blog the other day. I meant a lot. You are such a gifted writer, and its comments like yours that will keep me writing.

  35. Those kind of unexpected extras are what keeps me coming back to the blogsphere every week.

    That is so wonderful that Pk sent you gifts. I hope you and your wife are staying positive, strong, and I hope your wife's health returns quickly.

  36. Thank you for sharing this reminder that people can be so kind when you're in trouble. God bless y'all on your journey.

    Jan at Website
    Beyond Acadia
    Faith Talk
    Swamp Lily Review

  37. What a lovely gift and gesture. Bloggers are so kind and supportive. I'm wishing you and your wife the best.

  38. What a wonderful gift! And such a sweet thought. I didn't know about your wife's struggle. You guys will be in my thoughts.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  39. That's so nice of one of one of your blogging buddies to send a gift to you. I hope that you and your wife are hanging in there.

  40. OH! I love that! You got one of PK's pixies! And you are so SO right! My blog experience sounds identical to yours. I was just posting, posting, not knowing what would happen, and then we all found each other. And then we all started helping each other and encouraging each other... how cool is that?

    Hope your wife's feeling great today! :o) <3 ((hugs))

  41. A cute little spirit-lifter indeed! Sending all the prayers, good thoughts, good karma I can get my hands on and sending it your wife's way.

  42. What a wonderful gift! You're so right about the blogging community. It's more than I ever imagined, and hard to explain to those not experiencing it.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  43. You are so right about the encouraging blogging community. Your wife and her recovery will be in my prayers. God bless, Maria

  44. Wow! What a neat blogging story! Thanks, DL:)

  45. What a lovely story such a kind gesture.

  46. Oh, that's so sweet! I love this blogging community :-)

  47. I hadn't known about your wife's condition before DL, I wish her the best and a full recovery. This is such a touching story! The blogging community is an amazing thing.




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