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WRiTE CLUB 2013 - Submissions Open

WRiTE CLUB is back!

The modest writing competition whose inspiration was derived from the movie FIGHT CLUB is ready to go another round, and this year it’s leaner and meaner than ever! You may have seen numerous versions of this same concept pop up around the internet, but nothing like we do it here. This unique approach, combined with your participation, continues to set it apart from the other writing competitions and is responsible for its phenomenal growth.

Each year I listen to the club's suggestions and tweak the process to improve the experience for everyone, but before we discuss what’s different for 2013, let’s talk about what WRiTE CLUB is for anyone new to the experience. Its essence embodies simple, good-natured competition, with lots and lots of fun sprinkled on top. Over the course of eight weeks we’ll be holding twice-weekly bouts in which the winners will
advance to the play-offs, which will ultimately lead to a single champion. Bouts between who…or what…you ask. Anonymous 500 word writing samples, submitted under a pen name by anyone who wishes to take part, that’s who. The writing can be any genre, any style (even poetry) with the word count being the only restriction. It’s a way to get your writing in front of a lot of readers, without having to suffer the agony of exposure.

And the winners are determined by fellow WRiTE CLUB members alone!

Are you bouncing up and down with excitement, wondering how to submit your sample? First let’s discuss what new for 2013. I received so many submissions last year that the contest became unmanageable and it ran WAY to long in order to try and accommodate as many as I could. This year the submissions will be cut-off on June 30th. A panel of ten judges will read all of the entries we receive during that time and pre-select 32 of the best writing samples to climb into the ring. Those 32 participants will then be randomly matched to compete over the next eight weeks, each of them hoping to make it into the play-off rounds and moving towards the ultimate goal – WRiTE CLUB Champion.

Again this year, the most exciting part is the winner of the final round will be chosen by a panel of publishing industry professionals! Agents, Editors, Publishers, Marketers, and published authors! Check out their bios below (in alphabetical order by last name).

There’s another added wrinkle this year. Each club member who casts a vote in a bout (within the allotted time period) will have their name thrown in a hat. Including the play-offs, there will be a total of 36 bouts, which means possibly putting your name in the hat 36 times. Why is that important? Because just before the finals I will draw one name out of that hat and that person will receive a $75 Amazon Gift Card…just for voting.

How do I sign up? It’s simple, first you need to sign up to be a member of WRiTE CLUB on the Linky Tool at the very bottom of this post, then follow the format below and send your submission to My wife will be the only one monitoring that email address and she will log in and assign every entry a number. None of the judges being used to pre-select the 32 contestants will see who authored any sample, other than by pen-name.

On July 5th I will announce which 32 participants will be continuing on. On July 8th I will randomly select the first pair of these 32 anonymous entries and post the first head to head competition. The winner will be selected by our members via their votes left in the comments. Ties will be decided by me (if necessary). The victor will automatically be eligible for the playoffs – slated to begin September 9, 2013 -- and the loser will be eliminated.

Here are the general rules of WRiTE CLUB (with explanation) that guide the competition, loosely based on the Fight Club rules.

1st RULE: You MUST talk about WRiTE CLUB - Spread the word far and wide so we can involve as many writers as possible. Display the WRiTE CLUB banner prominently on your own blog. Write a post about it. Tweet it. Mention it on Facebook. Heck, send up smoke signals if you can.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about WRiTE CLUBOnce the competition begins you are not allowed to solicit votes. All of the writing entries are anonymous, and we want it to stay that way. This is not a popularity contest!

3rd RULE: If someone taps out, WRiTING is over - Tapping out means a WRiTER can decide at any time during the 8 week competition to withdraw their name from the pool. If that happens the next writer from the open pool with the most votes will move into that spot.

4th RULE: Only two people to a WRiTE - This is a head-to head competition, no ganging up allowed.

5th RULE: Two WRiTE’s per week - No matter how many submissions I receive this year, there will only be two WRiTE’s per week.

6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes - Come on, tell me you didn't giggle at that one.

7th RULE: WRiTES will go on until Sept 9th - On that date the 16 winners will be matched up against one another on daily posts until the ultimate WRiTER is chosen. At some point the WRiTER will be asked to submit a new 500 word sample.
8th RULE: Anyone can WRiTE, but you have to have your submission in by June30th. – No late entries will be accepted this year. 

We started accepting your 500 word submissions today…the cut-off date is midnight on June30th…and then July 8th the first bout will be held. Your submission can not have been published anywhere else before!

Want to see who will be judging the final round this year? Here are the bios of the partial list I have so far. I'm waiting to hear back from at least 4 additional agents, and I will update everyone as they are confirmed.

Kendare Blake – is the author of the highly acclaimed Anna Dressed in Blood and Girl of Nightmares teen horror series.  She is an import from South Korea who was raised in the United States by Caucasian parents. She received a Bachelor's degree in Business from Ithaca College and a Master's degree in Writing from Middlesex University in London. She brakes for animals, the largest of which was a deer, which sadly didn't make it, and the smallest of which was a mouse, which did, but it took forever. Amongst her likes are Greek Mythology, rare red meat and veganism. She also enjoys girls who can think with the boys like Ayn Rand, and boys who scare the morality into people, like Bret Easton Ellis. Her first novel, Sleepwalk Society is a college story which she says falls into that no man's land they call, "New Adult". She has a new novel, Antigoddess (Goddess War #1), slated to be released this fall.

Katie Grimm  Katie joined Don Congdon Associates in 2007, where in addition to maintaining her own client list she also acts as business manager.  She focuses on vivid literary fiction, transportive historical fiction, up-market women’s fiction, cohesive short story collections, and lurid mysteries & thrillers with exotic or historical settings.  In young adult, she is actively seeking both contemporary and fantastical high-concepts with a touch of romance.  In middle grade, she looks for heart and humor with a strange or creepy twist.  Most importantly, she is hooked by fiction with emotional resonance and longevity, and in her opinion, this requires an authentic voice, relatable characters, and a twisting plot that keeps her intrigued.  For non-fiction, she is looking for narrative non-fiction about history, popular science, off-beat topics, and counter-culture.  She is also a member of SCBWI.

Alice Speilburg -- Alice formed Speilburg Literary Agency in December 2012. She launched her publishing career in 2008 at John Wiley & Sons, where she worked primarily on narrative non-fiction and consumer health books. From there she transitioned to the agency side, working at Howard Morhaim Literary Agency on a broad spectrum of fiction and non-fiction, before branching out on her own. The agency is currently building its client list and is interested in character-driven novels in historical fiction, mystery, fantasy, and literary genres. She will take a look at anything middle-grade, YA, or adult. Also of interest are non-fiction authors with established platforms who are writing books on relationships, women’s issues, music and the arts, health, cooking, travel or history. 

Diane Dalton -- Diane has been a freelance editor since 1999. She has been the managing editor and acquisitions editor at Rhemalda Publishing since 2012. She has edited and critiqued novels, letters, web pages, and press releases for various authors and companies.

Diane has worked with small presses evaluating unsolicited manuscripts for potential publication. She has also coached authors in composition and editing.

Diane's expertise is in developmental editing, coordinating and editing projects from proposal through final manuscript, incorporating input from authors and reviewers. She also is an expert in stylistic editing, being able to clarify the author's meaning/intent, eliminating jargon and polishing language. She is proficient in web-based research and has experience using The Chicago Manual of Style.

Alex J. CavanaughAlex is a science fiction writer on a journey of discovery...and blogger extraordinaire!  Online he is known as Captain Ninja Alex! He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design and graphics. He minored in music and plays several instruments, including guitar. Alex is experienced in technical editing and worked with an adult literacy program for several years. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games, and those passions are reflected on his blog. He is the founder of the Insecure Writer's Support Group and co-host of the A to Z Challenge. His first book, CassaStar, was released October 19, 2010, and is an Amazon Best Seller. The sequel, CassaFire, was released on February 28, 2012. His third book in the series, CassaStorm, is scheduled for release later this year.

Tiana Smith – Tiana was the first ever WRiTE CLUB champion back in 2011! She grew up in Montana where she learned how to build a fire better than her husband, though she’s never ridden a horse. She graduated with an English degree with a creative writing focus from Westminster College and writes YA/MG books.  Tiana is currently querying her YA Fantasy novel – Dungeon Duty.  She also likes to design blogs, so if you're interested in getting one of her premade designs, please visit her shop @ The Blog Decorator.

Mark Hough – Mark was last years the 2012 WRiTE CLUB champion. Mark and his wife Faith live and work in Southern Connecticut, a short drive away from the music centers of New York City and Yale School of Music in New Haven. Mark is not only a talented writer, but he has been making violins, violas and cellos for 13 years, since he completing his 3-year apprenticeship with Lawrence Wilke in 1998. He is a member of the Violin Society of America, which has awarded Mark's violins two Certificates of Merit for workmanship

The Linky Tool is below, which allows you to become an official member of the WRiTE CLUB.  Not on the list…no voting or submitting allowed.   I know they'll be questions, so go ahead and leave them in the comments section and I'll post the answers in a follow-up post. 

Are you game?  Are you willing to WRiTE for what you want?  Then crack those knuckles and get ready to flex that imagination.  And whatever you do, tell your friends!

WRiTE CLUB – The contest where the audience is knocked for a loop!


  1. I'm up to my eyeballs in edits right now, but this is going to rock! I'll help spread the word, Write Club is awesome and what a fantastic panel of judges. Good luck to everyone participating!

  2. Looks like a lot of fun, DL! I'll keep an eye on this competition. I've got too many deadlines to commit, but I'm wishing you a ton of fighting fun!

  3. Ohhh...this is going to be fun!

  4. BAM! Can't wait to see the literary fists flying! Thanks again to you and Kim for your monumental efforts in organizing and hosting.

  5. WRiTE Club is awesome!!! I was so thrilled and honored to make it to the finals against Mark last year -- the whole experience was fabulous! I encourage anyone who's thinking about it to take the plunge and send it your submissions!!!

  6. I'm in for 2013! It can be any 500 words, right? Doesn't have to be the first 500?
    How the heck am i going to pick what to submit...?

  7. Awesome! Will spread the word, but won't be competing, since I'll be editing. :-)

  8. You know what's weird? This still hasn't shown up in my RSS feed, even when I hit refresh on your subscription. I had to visit your blog manually (oh the horrors!) to see it. Strange. Maybe it'll show up later.

  9. That's an impressive panel of judges. Oh yes, you bet I'm entering again. Can't wait for the skirmishes to begin.

    Hope your wife is feeling much better.

  10. Have to sort out my entry! Welcome back Write Club.

  11. Just so's you know... I did finally get this in my RSS feed. But, it had the same weird wonky coding showing, rather than the post. So yes, I'm guessing that this was all caused by the copying from Word, like we talked about before. Hope that helps!

  12. Kicking off another great year!
    And honored to be a judge.

  13. I'm adding in my name to the Linky, because I definitely want to vote - this is such a great competition!!! I'll have to work on an entry too :)

  14. I can't wait to read the entries :)

  15. Will spread the word for you! I'm taking some writing and family time this summer so I won't be around as much. Looking forward to reading the entries I catch.

  16. My, the year has gone by quickly! I can't wait to see what makes it into the ring this time around!

  17. D.L. -- I will spread the word as much as possible, starting the middle of next week. This week I am involved in report cards, parent volunteer gifts, student placement for next year, keeping my students too busy to run amok, the transfer of my teaching partner to another part of the building and the news that I will be working with a virtual stranger, my own children's end of school events, trying to keep my blog running, and I just received a 17 page edit letter from my editor. (I may have put my head down on my desk and whimpered softly to myself several times today.)

    But on June 12, I will be a lot more sane.

  18. It sounds very intense. Best luck to all those who enter.

  19. Yay! Good luck and we'll see you out there!

  20. This looks like so much fun. I'm going to enjoy reading these posts and commenting on them.

  21. I think this sounds like an amazing club - I think for this time around I'll just be watching & learning, 'cause I have so much else going on this next month or two. But in future perhaps I'll get to participate ...anonymously of course :)

  22. I love this contest! Thanks for hosting it again this year.

  23. This is awesome Don. I'll post it in my sidebar right away. I enjoyed it the first time, didn't have time to follow last year; but hopefully this round I'll be able to submit and comment on all bouts.


  24. Kendra! That's so awesome. I can't wait for this to start.

  25. Hi Don - looks like entries will abound .. and the judges - their resumes look so interesting .. good luck with the Write Club - I shall follow happily along in the background .. enjoy .. and good luck to all participants ... Cheers Hilary

  26. I remember hearing about Write Club last year. I might try it this time around. It looks like a great contest!

  27. Just registered to vote! Looking forward to it, and I think your tweaks are very smart ones.

  28. Looks awesome! Can't wait to see all the entries! May see what I have to throw in the ring... hmm... Any 500, you say? Entry forms sent as attachments or no? Did I miss where you said?
    Thanks so much for hosting! This is incredible!

  29. This is a totally rad contest and I'd love to join if I had anything to submit but I don't, so I'll just be a spectator. I am a huge fan of Fight Club so LOL at the clever way you used the movie and its rules to make this club! :D

    Also, A HUGE THANK YOU to you for picking me for the blog blitz! I really appreciate it and all the wonderful comments that people have left on my blog today. :D :D :D

    I hope you enjoy your day as much as I did! :D

  30. Sounds awesome...again!!!

    I'll spread the word:)

  31. You have some quality judges lined up this time. Did you ever imagine it becoming this big?

  32. Big Ups for Write Club!! I will see if I can put something together. And give this baby a tweet!

  33. Shut the front door!!! I love Kendare!! Well not in that way but her writing is spectacular and I'm sure she also pretty cool to hang with as well! If she's anything like Cas or the rest of her characters she has to be a blast, right?!
    I have to think more about joining this year. Last year was so much fun!

  34. Can't wait to read this year's entries.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I'm in. Like Flynn.

    PS: Not sure if you got my message sent via "smart"phone Friday, but I just wanted to publically say a *HUGE* thanks for the Blitz this past Thursday, on D-Day.

    Comments are *still* coming in as of Saturday evening (167 so far !!!) and Bill was nearly speechless when I told him how many people had commented.

    Don, you're a RockStar :)

    Cheers, mate and Aloha :)

  37. I'm excited to see the entries this year. Going to be busy PUBLISHING (wahoo!) but I'll stop in to cast my vote. ;)

    1. Oh, and I can't count how many people have been raving about their excitement to enter this year. SO MANY. Way to pull together an amazing event!

      P.S. You inspire me. Yup. So I nominated you:

  38. This is SO great! I'm spreading the news!

  39. Another new challenge that I'm nervously game for. :) Writer’s Mark

  40. Awesome contest! I'll be sure to spread the word.

  41. I really enjoyed every aspect of WRiTE Club last year. Thank you to both you and your wife, DL. Looking forward to this year's which promises to be good.

  42. Okay, to be clear. One submission. Then, if one makes it to the finals, another? If so, I'm in. *nervous twitching*

  43. I look forward to cheering everyone on.

  44. I'll pop in to see what's happening. It's always interesting. My best to everyone who enters.

  45. I sent mine in yesterday and am excited to see how it goes! (Was there supposed to be any sort of confirmation that I submitted correctly?)

  46. WriteClub rocks! I love that you do this every year, Don. SO AWESOME. Great line of judges--it's sure to be a winner! :D

  47. Well crap. Somehow I missed seeing we had to sign up for the Linky list in order to vote.




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