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Existing Between the Yin and Yang

It's time to get things back on-track.  And what does that ask? Well...for me...on-track is a state where there's balance between me and this wonderful blogging community. I've not enjoyed that for quite some time. The reason I haven't can't be boiled down to a single explanation, but I can say that for the most part -- they've been valid. It's part personal struggles, part technical struggles, part creative struggles, and part motivational struggles. But ultimately it came down to me wrestling with the bone-tiredness that comes from constantly struggling.

For the last two years I've basically been going through the motions here. I've allowed the WRiTE CLUB, the Blog BLITZ, and the Deja Vu Blogfest to serve as my tent main contributions and pipeline into the blogosphere.  There's been Yin...but no Yang. I've existed between the two, and every blogger worth their salt knows that to be successful you need to practice both, you must reciprocate. If you don't follow the bloggers who comment on your posts back to their own haunt...and leave meaningful comments there...sooner or later your readership will dry up and forget all about you. Frankly, I've been amazed that the people who continue to comment here have hung on for so long. Those that have hold a special place in my heart...and always will.

A good friend of mine recently kicked me in the pants and made me realize what I've allowed myself to become.  Lot's of take...and very little give. But that all changes today. There are thousands and thousands of blogs out here, so how do you choose which ones to visit and give back some Yang? That's actually easy. Starting with this post, everyone who leaves a comment will receive a return visit to their blog the same week.  If you're a multiple post per week blogger, I can't quite commit to commenting on every post, but I will hit at least one of them that week.  Baby steps. I'm also starting a new Feedly list of bloggers who regularly visit me, and even when I don't post I'll be dropping by for a chat. I'll try to expand from there, but the worst thing I could do is over-commit and end up disappointing.

That's it.  That's the plan. I know I'll never be able to return to the level I was at two years ago, but something that will allow me to maintain some sense of sanity would be nice. I'm even thinking of returning to the A-Z Challenge again this year, but I still have a little while to think about that.  

For those of you finding your way back from a long time gone past...welcome back. I've missed you. I promise not to let you down again.  :)



  1. Woot! In at the top! ;)

    I'm doing A-to-Z this year -- the first time a several years. But I'm hoping to have all of the written well before the fact. But it's also a very daunting sign-up list. No-way can I even think about visiting everyone on the list. Like your re-emerging blogging presence: You do what you can, and you don't feel guilty about not being able to do more.

    I hope that friend who kicked you in the pants also let you know that it's ok to be human and that you do NOT have to cover the entire blogosphere. ;)

    Enjoy what you do, and do what you can. No pressure.... Blogging is supposed to be fun, remember?

    1. Sometimes blogging can be like going to the gym. You have to force yourself to go...but when you're finished you feel so much better about yourself. :)

  2. You don't need to worry about visiting me this week - you already did and I only post about once a month anyway. It's all I can handle.

    1. And I really wish you would post more...because I ALWAYS enjoy them! :)

  3. I totally get where you're coming from. I do my best to visit those who visit me and try to visit a few each week i don't always get to. But even then, I often fall behind. Try not to beat yourslf up too much, DL. You do a lot for us ust with the blitz let alone with the other things.

    1. It's easy to fall behind...especially if your discipline slips.

  4. Sometimes it's difficult to post. We all understand.

    1. I'm glad you understand...but I can do better. You all deserve better. :)

  5. You're a friend - that's why I keep coming back.
    And you should join us for the Challenge. Matthew even came back as a co-host this year.

  6. You never let me down. I come back because I enjoy this blog. I enjoy reading what you write. But I totally understand how difficult blogging can be, too. Until you put a "closed" sign on your blog, you're stuck with this follower. :)

    1. See folks...this is why I love blogging and the people who do it! Thank you Stacy!! :)

  7. Welcome back, DL! It's so difficult trying to find the balance. I'm trying to get back from a long blogging break, too, because frankly, it's my favorite form of social media. Like you wrote, "Baby steps."

    1. It's my favorite form of social media as far! :)

  8. I'm glad you're finding balance with blogging. That's very important. And yes, visiting other bloggers, leaving comments, and returning comments is what keeps the blogosphere turning. :)

    1. I'm amazed at how many bloggers haven't figured that out yet. :)

  9. I have the same problems with blogging. Personal, professional, motivational issues that crop up. I'm lucky if I can post once a month and I never get to comment anymore. Just don't have the time. I need to clone myself.

    I only stopped by to say hello. Miss seeing you around.

    1. The feeling is totally mutual! See you again soon. :)

  10. Welcome back! Don't beat yourself up too much. Here's to the yin and yang working well for you.

    1. Thank you! I can already feel things returning into balance! :)

  11. We'd love to have you back on a regular basis.

    1. And you shall have it! Can't wait to make the rounds again. :)

  12. Here's to a fresh start, although you've not done anything wrong. We all find life running away with us sometimes. The Blog Blitz sounds like a whole lot of give to me, and for my part I've been neglectful in taking part. I get the email, I'm busy with something else, and then forget. That's something I need to fix!

    1. The BLITZ is easy-peasy compared to blogging and visiting blogs. We'd love to have you back! :)

  13. I can relate to that struggle you're talking about. I've tried to keep the blogging and commenting going as well as I have been able and now with my new computer it's gotten better. I'm still in nowheresville as far as my writing writing. I've got to finish something. I need that balance of yin and yang.

    You've got the tent poles for a pretty big tent so that's a big plus in your favor. You haven't done as poorly as you make it sound. You stay in my sidebar as well as on my mind.

    It will be good to have you as a regular, but if you have to do other things we understand that as well. And like Alex said, there's A to Z coming soon. Jump in the fray if you feel up to the Challenge.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  14. That's always tough in tough, and for sure in social media, actually being social XD. Building relationships take time, and after a certain point it's pretty much impossible to maintain all of them. Especially if you have a huge following. But I give you lots of kudos for trying to get back into. The conversations and relationships of blogging, even if they're not fully developed, are always what's kept me here.

    1. I've made friendships out here that I absolutely treasure...and I look forward to making some more! :)

  15. I try to stop by several blogs a week even when I am not updating my own blog. Especially for people who consistently show up to every one of my posts, no matter how few and far between. It is difficult to hit every post from so many every-day bloggers though.

    1. I'm going to give it my best shot. My followers deserve nothing less! :)

  16. Life happens to us all! Sometimes our priorities need to shift, even if we don't want them to!

    1. And sometimes they need to shift back. Now is that time. :)

  17. I blog three times a week, but I always go through my comments and choose those blogs to visit. It takes me a while to get through all the comments, but by the time I reach the end, I go back to the blog before it and start visiting those blogs! It is tough to get around to everyone.

    1. Staying on top of them is the key...and I'm pretty sure I can do it better this time around. :)

  18. It's a commitment to stay in touch with the blog community, but one I also hope to keep up! It's nice to know that my blog friends are still here even when life gets too crazy :)

  19. And life just got a TON busier, eh? Here I was thinking you'd maybe posted something about your crazy-awesome news, but hey, I can be patient.

    You know one thing I love about the blogosphere? It doesn't matter if you step away for a week, a month, even a year. Friends are still here and excited to see your face (the virtual one) when you do pop back in. =)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I find the weekly thing works for me - both ways. I post once a week (with exceptions for the occasional blog hop or special news) and I make the rounds of blogs I follow once a week (usually spread over a couple days). I know I miss a lot of great posts but I get to stay in touch and keep my blogging in balance. any news you want to share? Hmm?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. It happened to visit your blog today, enjoyed reading your posts. Keep going...

    Cheers ! ! !

    PS: Tried to add myself in your "Join this site" list, but I couldn't. Hope you will look into this.

    1. I'll definitely look into that. Great to have you on-board! :)

  24. There are plenty of blog feeders out there...I just found Feedly to be the most user-friendly. :)

  25. Well, I just stopped by out of curiosity because of the Blitz e-mail, but I'm glad I did. Best of luck going forward!

  26. I totally understand. I haven't been blogging nearly as much as I'd like since starting a full-time job a few months ago. Just a lot to juggle in my life right now. But I miss it and have been trying to ease back into writing a little more often.

    Don't be too hard on yourself-looks like you have a ton of support in this awesome community. :)

    Jaimie Ramsey

    1. You're always your toughest critic...right? Thank you for saying that. :)

  27. DL, you do so much already; your Blog Blitz is one of the reasons I met so many wonderful bloggers I now call friends. You thoroughly rock DL - and I'm happy you'll be back more often. :) I signed up for the A-Z Challenge this year for my first time EVER. It'll be interesting... Hugs to you, for all you've done for me and the blogosphere. Eva (aka Lily from lilicasplace)

    1. I returning to the Challenge after a 2 year absence and I'm really looking forward to it. Thank you for saying that about the BLITZ! :)

  28. I am really bad at replying to comments, few months late at times. I am trying to improve though.
    Nice thought you have here, hope to see you during AtoZ.

  29. I think everyone goes through that at some point, it's such a hard task to keep on top of everything, and sometimes things slip. But isn't that the beauty of virtual friends that they just say 'hi!' and everything's back to the chaos, but it's great chaos! :) x

    1. I'd like to say it's controlled chaos...but that would be telling a fib! :)




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