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Return to Your Corners

We’re just a week into WRiTE CLUB and the blows are already flying back and forth at a blistering pace. As in past years, we started off fast out of the gate (694 page views and 64 votes), but things quickly settled into a more reserved pace (averaging 350 views and 45 votes). Five very competitive bouts featuring ten amazing writers – I think it’s time for a breather…don’t you?  Does it get any better than this?

That doesn’t mean that the action needs to stop.  Remember, voting for each bout remains open for one week, which means bout #1 closes at Sunday noon (central time), bout #2 closes on Monday noon, and so on and so on. So if you missed a bout, now’s the time to go back and have a look. As the voting closes I will post the winners on the WRiTE CLUB Scorecard.

Next week we’ll be back with ten more contestants in five daily bouts…each one hoping to earn enough votes to move on and compete for the WRiTE CLUB Championship. Will you be one of those lucky enough to step into the ring? What am I saying…there is no luck involved. Quality writing and commitment to craft has gotten them this far…it’s up to you to take them the rest of the way. Please help me keep the interest level high and those votes rolling in.

This is WRiTE CLUB…the contest where the audience gets clobbered.


  1. Woo!
    Thanks for hosting this amazing contest, this bout of quill skills, this literary madness!

  2. *catches breath* fun stuf! :)

  3. Lots of good pieces...
    Really exciting!

  4. Does anyone else feel the same way...

    This is TORTURE not knowing day by day if I got in or not. I submitted 3 stories. Just want to know if I made the cut or not.

    There are some great examples of fiction that got in so far, and a couple I don't care for. The process of voting is fun and so is reading work in genres that are out of my wheelhouse.

    Does anyone else compare your entries to the ones you read? I've seen a couple that would have knocked mine out cold. Shows me I'd better tighten up if I make it to the next round.

  5. Ha! I love how high impact all your words are here -- pun intended. :-D

  6. Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day day weekend.
    I'm looking forward to voting for more great stories next week.




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