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WRiTE CLUB 2018 - A Champion Crowned

If you haven’t been following along on Twitter, we crowned our WRiTE CLUB champion for 2018 at the DFW Conference Saturday.  As it is every year, the conference was A BLAST and very informative at the same time. If you've ever considered going to a writers conference, you need to give DFW some serious consideration!

During the lunch break Saturday I announced that I.N. Summer, who is really Aden Polydoros (@AdenPolydoros), was our winner. Aden took home a $100 Barnes and Noble gift card and FREE ADMISSION TO THE CONFERENCE IN 2019.  Congrats again, Aden!

The runner-up was Peter Pen, who is Mike Hilton (@5HourNinja) in the real world, and he won a $60 Barnes and Noble gift card as well as a $75 Amazon card.

Others winners were A.E. McCauley (2nd from right below), who won a $40 gift card for being the random voter selected, Dannie Olguin (far right) and Wanda Woodworth (2nd from left) who each won DFW t-shirts for taking part in the contest and being present at the conference

Here’s a recap of the WRiTE CLUB stats for 2018 (all of which were records).

132 writers entered 181 submissions
1400+ vote/critiques from 253 different readers
Avg of 50 votes per bout
28,000 pageviews
The #WRITECLUBDFW hashtag on Twitter received 90,000 impressions

Now, this is the point in the contest where contestants have been given the opportunity the take off their masks and reveal their true identity. This is totally optional, but we encourage people to do so because there are readers who are really interested in your work and would like to follow your writing journey. If you are so willing, feel free to do so in the comments below.

I also want to ask for any suggestions for improving the contest and increasing participation. WRiTE CLUB is constantly evolving and I want to make it the best contest possible for writers.  Your input helps me make that happen.

One last thing, if you want to be alerted via email when the 2019 contest is about to begin, signup on the linky tool below and I will make that happen. (If you signed up for the email at the DFW Conference, you do not need to do it here.)

Thank you to everyone for making WRiTE CLUB such a wonderful success this year! See you again next year. 


  1. Very cool! Congratulations to the winners. I didn't see all of the entries, but I do remember Peter Pan.

  2. Congratulations on another successful WriteClub - excellent to see the winners and runners up - and good luck to all writers. Well done - an incredible competition for us bloggers - cheers Hilary

  3. Congratulations to Aden for the win! Aden and Mike submitted strong pieces throughout the competition, and it's good to finally see who these two extremely talented writers are. You both did great!

  4. Congrats to all and to you for another successful Write Club.

  5. Congrats to Aiden and Mike! It was a tough contest. Bravo! Well done!

    I'm PookeyDoo and I also want to thank all of you for your critiques and votes. You've helped me be a better writer.

  6. I entered at Bananagram and competed against Peter Pen in Bout 5. What an honor to first, make it to the top 30 and second, to compete against such an accomplished writer! WooHoo! I will enter again next year, but I'm not telling you my pen name! The best part: the critiques and responses from the voters! Worth every bit of anxiety before hitting the submit button!

  7. *AS Banagram, not at Banagram! fat fingers! or maybe auto correct!

  8. What fun! Congrats to the new champ! I can't wait to give this another try next year!

    I'm Martian Magnolia and really appreciated getting unfiltered feedback. Thanks to all the commenters!

  9. Thanks DL! My entry was under Traveling Gnome (the murderous granny story). Lost out on the tie-breaking vote but loved all the great feedback!

    Suggestions: do not include genre. Commentators & voters seemed to get stuck on genre and based their votes on that when they should focus on the writing sample

  10. Congratulations, Aden! You too, Peter Pen!

    I really enjoyed reading all the stories this year - thanks for all your hard work, DL. Can't wait until WriteClub 2019. I was Wordmonger.

  11. Congratulations to all the authors!

  12. Congratulations to the authors! Good work, Aden and Mike.

    Are voters allowed to make final comments? (Maybe that's a suggestion???)

    If so...I just wanted to let Canister McIntosh know that this entry was my favorite of this whole contest and Lois is still haunting me. Jett Jaguar also impressed me with wonderful writing and breadth of style.

    To all the WriteClub contestants: even if you didn't win or progress in the contest, you likely have fans that love your writing--so stand proud and keep up the good work!

    1. Agreed about Canister McIntosh’s piece. It’s the best I’ve read.

    2. I'm still aching to learn more about Lois and the narrator.

  13. For my 1st Write Club, I was Doctor Noir and was astonished to make it to the top 7. I had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed the quality of the writing. Congratulations to Aden - I LOVED your writing and followed you on Twitter. For anyone who wants to see more of my writing, I'm @jldelozier or

  14. Congrats to the two finalists and to Aden for WINNING! I was Marla Writer and had a blast participating. I appreciated all the feedback, too. There are some talented writers out there in WRiTE CLUB!

  15. Congrats to the winners - and to all the participants.




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