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WRITE CLUB 2018 - Slushpile Scores

Everyone wanted to know how everyone who entered WRiTE CLUB this year fared in the eyes of the Slushpile here it is. I hesitate to post this as it can be demoralizing to find out your submission received zero votes, but one of the things that make WRiTE CLUB so popular is the feedback, and sometimes it isn't pretty.

At the top of this post is the list of the 30 contestants who made it into the ring along with the number of judge votes they each received. As you can see, nobody received votes from all fifteen of the judges. In fact, the writers who drew the most votes didn't even make it to the finals! Both of our finalists got a nod from less than half (or less) of the judges. A perfect example of how making it into the ring is one thing, but what you do when you're there could be something entirely different.

Below are the scores of everyone else. An interesting note -- Lisa Dunn (our 2015 champion) -- didn't get selected for the ring the year prior. I've seen countless examples of writers who miss out one year and find success in following years. As I've it said all along, the competition is fierce and sometimes fickle, but that is the subjective nature the publishing industry deals in.

So what's the moral of this story? Don't give up! If you missed out this year, keep working on your craft and give it a whirl again next year.  A new group of judges is assembled each year, and maybe next year one of the pieces you submit will be their cup of tea!

If you're interested in receiving an email just before the 2019 version of WRiTE CLUB kicks-off, then leave your name and email address on the Linky Tool below. In the meantime, keep on writing!


  1. No votes can happen. They sometimes do with the IWSG Anthology contest.

  2. If those are the ones that didn't make it, then you had a ton of entries this year.




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