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The State of Things

It's been a while since I've updated anyone following along about where I stand in regards to getting published - so that's what I'm going to do today. This will brief because unfortunately there's not all that much to report.

Almost a year ago I announced my intention to write what I considered was going to be the book that finally legitimized my efforts to become a traditionally published author after all these years. It was a story that had been festering inside me for quite a long time and I thought the topic was timely. I finished that book (Apollo's Ghost) earlier this year and after soliciting feedback from my CP's and some beta's, I immediately started sending out query letters, expecting numerous requests for FULLS to flood my inbox. That didn't happen. I didn't receive a single request. I'm not going to sugarcoat it - I was crushed! Still am, actually.

So I've started down the path of my endgame. I wasn't going to end this journey without something to show for it, so I decided to self-publish one of the five books I've written. But which one? To answer this question I turned to social media. After posting a short summary of four of my books on Facebook and asking my followers which one they felt had the best chance in the marketplace, they chose (by a pretty good margin) my mystery/thriller book Fallen Knight.  So I've tweaked the story to bring it up to date (I wrote it almost eight years ago) and right now I'm waiting for additional feedback before I send it to an editor. Then I'll look for a cover designer. There is no set timeline for its release as of yet.

I haven't totally abandoned writing new material - well not exactly. If FK sells exceptionally well I've outlined a follow-up, but I won't put word to paper until I see how FK is received. If the book tanks, then that'll be it. Story over. But if it shows even a glimmer of life, then I'll be more than happy to churn out another story because I believe in these characters.

 That's it - that's where I'm at. Not where I hoped I'd be, but not without a pulse either.

I'll keep you updated as things move along.



  1. You need help with any of the self-publishing stuff, let me know, Don.

  2. Best of luck, DL. I completely understand. I agree with L. Dane Wolfe above. Self-publishing may be the route to go.

    1. Good luck. Get it out and get some reviews. Never stop.

    2. Thank you, Becky! I hope so. :)

    3. Thank you, David! Hopefully they'll be GOOD reviews. :)

  3. The secret to success when you self publish is to have all your friends buy the book (so it's legit) and then write a review for it. The more reviews the better placement. The more buys the easier to move up the ranks so other people can read you. Best of luck Don. I know how hard it is. If you need anything, just email.

    1. Long time no hear Anne. Thank you for the advice and I'll definitely keep you in mind moving forward! :)

  4. I hate it when query letters don't turn out. Assuming you checked querykombat, pitchwars, passorpages, and other such query refining goodies? I'm all for self-publishing though. Indie authors rule! And we don't shut down or sell our own publishing houses, ...usually, ...odds are better at least. HA ha ha.




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