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BLOG BLITZ - Wanna Join?

The other day I was reminiscing about a different time, back when I was a kid, before the youth of the world spent their free time in front of televisions or game consoles like digital zombies.  I would play outside with the other neighborhood kids in an open lot or nearby park and we would make up simple games that required no gear, no apparatus, and no complex rules, just our bodies and the endless supply of adolescent energy.  Games such as Red Rover, Red Light Green Light, Hide and Seek, and a personal favorite…Tag!  Of course back then we called it something else, which today would be considered politically incorrect, but the idea was that someone would be tagged as IT and they had to try to avoid being caught, wrestled to the ground, and piled upon by everyone else.  It was both terrifying and exciting, all at the same time. 
That got me to thinking (which isn’t always a good thing), and I wondered what would happen if we tried something like that here in the blogosphere.  No, I’m not talking about squishing the Ninja out of Alex J. Cavanaugh underneath the cumulative weight of us all.  But what would it be like if the support, encouraging nature, and community spirit of the blogosphere were ever focused on a single blogger?  A few of us have experienced that sort of attention via book launches or other publishing announcements, and still others have achieved that level of awareness through the popular blogfests we host.  In most cases there is a lot of work that goes into generating that amount of interest.  What I'm talking about is being suddenly thrust into the spotlight, without even lifting a finger. What would it feel like to be the recipient of that kind of exposure? Could something like that even be possible? Can the power of the blogosphere be harnessed and directed?

Everyone knows I like to try new and different things, so today I present to you the BLOG BLITZ.  Here’s how I see it working.  Sign up on the linky list below, making sure to record your email address, and you’ll instantly become a member of the Blog Blitz Team.  Then from time to time, I will select a deserving blog (that must be part of the Blitz Team) and a specific date.  I will then email the team members that information and on that date we all will go out of our way to visit that blog and leave an encouraging comment on their most recent post.  I'm talking about hopefully a 100+ comments appearing out of the blue in one day!

At first I'll pick who gets blitzed, but then I'll start taking recommendations from other members for deserving targets. My only restriction about who joins the Blog Blitz Team is that your blog cannot be primarily for commercial gain.

This will only be successful if everyone reading this spreads the word and gets as many bloggers as we can to join the team.  Once your signed up, display the banner above proudly on your own blog.  
 Blog about the Blitz.  Tweet about the Blitz.  Facebook the Blitz.  Then sit back and wonder...

Who will be dog piled first?

The BLITZ list has been moved HERE.


  1. Great idea, D!! I like that it's all about visiting, leaving comments, and supporting. I'm in!

  2. Great idea! Very nice of you to think of something so great that will help other bloggers, especially those who haven't yet built their readership (like myself). I'll definitely join!

  3. What an amazing idea! There is never an end to your kindness!

  4. As usual you have another wonderful idea. Personally, I'm going to have to think about this before I sign up. That's an awful lot of attention to have heaped upon you at one time and then evaporate, as unfortunately it usually does. You know me, I'm a little wacky when it comes to things like that.

  5. Awesome idea! (And no squishing the Ninja.)
    We're actually going to make the Cheers blogfest a yearly thing, but this will be great for highlighting others during the year.

  6. LOL. You're always so giving Don :)

  7. This is a fantastic idea, DL! I can't wait to squish someone!

  8. What a brilliant idea! I love the thought of all of us squishing someone with attention and hugs!

  9. You are ALWAYS thinking, aren't you? And always giving too. And I take instruction very well, so this sounds wonderful all around. :)

    Also, I know the name of the game of which you speak...and I totally got a visual of my grade school playground when you described it.

  10. What a cool idea! It will be fun visiting the different blogs that are highlighted.

  11. This is a wonderful idea, DL! I'm totally in!

  12. Another cool idea, DL. I like how your brain works. I will hold off on signing up for now since I've been neglecting my blog, but I look forward to coming across one of these sneak attacks one day as I peruse the internet.

  13. Sounds like a great idea to me :)

  14. All signed up-- this is way better than a simple blogfest idea :)

  15. what a super supportive idea! you're full of those, arent you!

  16. I'm in! Sounds like a ton of fun :-)

  17. What a great idea! Off to go put up the badge and spread the word about this:) Thanks!

  18. Sounds like an excellent idea and fun. I find it difficult to travel to lots of blogs, always comment if I get there though. This way, we can make sure they get lots of comments. Love it.


  19. Love the sound of this! Everyone needs a little boost sometimes, and at random, it's even more effective!

  20. I signed up!

    I'll make a habit of visiting all the blogs in the list.

  21. What a neat idea! And I love how it is reminiscent of tag too (although I was never good at tag. LOL!).

  22. I signed up and added the button to my blog.

  23. You always have the best ideas. Sounds like tons of fun! :)

  24. Great idea! I just signed up.

  25. Wonderful idea!! I just signed up.

  26. Dammit, I had this great idea... had no way of figuring out how to pull it off... I am so glad you did it's a wonderful way to "show the love"...

  27. What an awesome idea DL. Way to build community. Two more signups from me.

  28. Here via the shout out on Alex Cavanaugh's blog. Entirely cool idea. Count me in!

  29. Sounds like a great idea. I'll join in :)

  30. A great idea.


  31. I'm signed up and I tweeted. Sounds like a ton of fun.

  32. I don't comment enough EVER so this is a fabulous way to get me to show everyone how brilliant I think they are. :-) Also, it's really sweet!

  33. What a wonderful and VERY SWEET idea, DL. You really do have a big heart... You know you can count me in for promoting anything positive in our community!

  34. Wow. A superb and generous idea. I'm in!

  35. I had to think for a second about what was politically incorrect about tag before I realized what you were referring to. Ah, the days of childhood innocence and unintended bigotry.

    Really good idea with the blitz! Really looking forward to participating.

  36. This is such a fantastic idea. I just signed in :)

  37. Sounds intriguing. And fun. Count me in. :-)

  38. Love love love this idea! I'm all in.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  39. Oh I'm in! Great idea. Like being King/Queen for a Day!

  40. This is a FANTASTIC idea!! Thanks for starting this! I'm signed up, and I'm excited to "dogpile" on the other blogs!

  41. Fantastic idea. Count me in :)

  42. Great idea, count me in. I hope having a WordPress blog is not an issue ~ Judy

  43. This is a wonderful idea, so many enjoyable blogs don't get the attention they deserve!

    1. In honor of your 'genius' I've awarded you the Sunshine Award! Please have fun with it!

  44. This is a great idea of how to get the community together. I just love it.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I was so excited that I pressed published twice so had to delete one comment, ha ha ha.

  46. This is a great idea of how to get the community together. I just love it.

  47. This is a great idea and the implementation is wonderful-email reminders! This will be a great way to meet new bloggers or visit old friends.

  48. That's a great idea Don. I signed up :)

    I haven't been around much to visit you lately - but I've been more offline than on. A break is coming for me, but I still want to be a part of this blitz.

    Have a good weekend Dude.


  49. DL, love your heart, pal. Can you take me off the list? I think I'm #46. I'm quitting blogging. Burned out after I was hacked. I'm probably going to stop after my commitments in April. But I'll still visit around. I'm NOT leaving entirely. This will give me loads of writing time. *waves peace sign*

  50. What a beautiful idea! I think it's wonderful to do something so positively supportive for others. Count me in and thanks for sharing :)

  51. You rock! This is a wonderful idea ;D Who couldn't use some cheer like this?! Yes we must not squish any Ninjas or their clones, lol.

  52. Dude,

    I'm in, man.. I'm IN... and can we like vote for St. Patrick to get the first Blitz, man? Dude got rid of all the Oirish snakes... wow... that's like hardcore.

    (OK, I realize this won't be funny on March 18, but it *is* St. Paddy's Day as I type :)

    Cheers to an awesome idea, D.L. :)

  53. That's a great idea and it looks like you've got loads of participants!

  54. Yay! I'm in... although the thought of squeezing the Ninja out of AJC made me chuckle too!

    Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain

  55. Sounds like a great idea. I just became a new follower to join. Thanks so much for doing this.

  56. Sounds a great idea., but Facebook won't let me post about it says it contains abusive content.Anyone else have this problem?

  57. What a great idea! I saw your guest post on Daily Write (you can thank Nina Amir for linking to it via LinkedIn). I do try to comment when I read a blog post that makes me think, or that could use some more good discussion, or gets me engaged (or angry!)

    Happy to help out so many others keeping the blogs going and signed up. I blog about Northern California real estate but often try to work in different ideas to keep it interesting or fun. Only so much one can say about yet another collection of terrible photos. But sometimes what I think would make the best comment threads falls down flat. You would think challenging readers to characterize Bay Areas cities as stereotypical high schoolers would engage them, but I only got 2 people to play. Sigh.

    Thanks again.

  58. I just signed up! Exciting stuff :)

  59. That is an extraordinary idea...I am constantly looking to make new blogger friends, not just any kind...the interesting kind :). Hopefully I'll be blitzed and get the chance to find what I am looking for :). Kisses.

  60. What a great idea!!!

  61. Okay, I've been reading about this here and there and everywhere... I'm in!

  62. I think I am already blitzed, so I will fit right in. *grins*

  63. I'll give it my best shot to be supportive for this, Don. It's a good idea.

  64. You're a legend, Don! All signed up. Brilliant idea.

  65. What an awesome and encouraging idea! This will be a great way to make new writing connections, something I've been looking to do. Thanks for organizing this!

  66. Thinking out of the box again, I see. Sounds like fun!

  67. Superb idea. So generous and yes, kind.

    I look forward to supporting and growing together!

    Thank you DLH!

  68. I think this is an excellent idea. I hope you don't mind people from other countries/regions entering this BLOG BLITZ, because I have entered!! ;) Looking forward to BLITZING other blogs and getting BLITZED as well :)

    Destination Infinity

  69. I love the Blog Blitz, D.L.! Great idea!

  70. This is a wonderful idea and very generous of you.

  71. Cool beans! What a great way to unite people in the writing community! I'll donate virtual cheese to the cause, and I am SO in. :)

  72. You had me at 'without lifting a finger' ;)

  73. Great idea, but I'm not sure I can handle any more comments on my blog! I'll definitely share it though!

  74. I have been looking at so many blogs since joining the A-Z challenge I don't even know how got here, but I'm loving blogland, and this idea. I'll be sure to keep checking in after the April madness is over.

    1. Thanks for your email, I have put the list on my blog (I need to work out how to do the layout a bit better - all in good time) sadly I don't have many followers yet - I am but a fledgling blogger :)

  75. Awesome idea...I'm in:)

  76. Totally awesome! And I can definitely commit to a comment whenever it's needed

  77. What a great idea! I'm in! ☺

  78. I hope we will get a report out on how the first one went down. What fun!. Thanks for organizing this. It's a blast! God bless, Maria at Delight Directed Living

  79. I miss those days of playing made-up games outside. Black Cat was one of my favorites where one person would hide in the shadows and scare the daylights out of the other kids.
    I must say, you are one creative and brilliant mind! I love your new ideas!

  80. Wishing everyone a blessed Easter/Passover. Having fun meeting some of you. It's really a blessing to be in this group.

  81. I'm newer at this, can you share the code to add the button to join this blog blitz that you have on the left side :) That way if someone misses this post, we can have it on our blogs to help :)

  82. This is my first year participating in the A-Z Challenge. It's been quite the learning experience, dragging me out of my usual haunts into new territory. So I signed up to Blitz and eagerly anticipate the new adventure. Thans for leading the charge.

  83. This is a really great idea! Just joined in. Can't wait to receive my first email. :)

  84. This is such a great idea! What an encouragement! I can't wait to be part of such a wonderful thing! Thanks for coming up with the idea! :)


  85. What an awesome idea! Yes, I'm a little slow. I started noticing people getting blitzed and looked around for the source. ;)

  86. Hi DL,
    Nice to meet you.
    A blog blitz is a fabulous idea. This will be such a great way to get to know others.
    I found you through Sherry Ellis' blog. So now I'll have to get busy and write a post to help promote your super idea.
    I also loved the analogy you used with the childhood games, like tag. Thanks for jogging my old memory. :-)

  87. Count me in. It's a great way to connect people!

  88. The A to Z has been a great tool to find new blogs--and new followers. Your Blog Blitz adds a powerful bonus boost to that. Love the idea.

    I was reading recently about how if you can make your readers want to join in because you're helping someone (else), you've got the ticket right there. You have exactly that. Excellent job and original idea!

    Bradley Charbonneau's Pass the Sour Cream A-Z Challenge.

  89. Great idea, am looking forward to playing!

  90. Sounds like great fun! Looking forward to making new friends!

  91. I love this idea. And picking one blog at a time will eliminate a lot of the stress that usually goes into this kind of thing. Like visiting 1700 blogs in one month? Um, yeah. Maybe not. Or a 100-blog 5-day comment event that I once participated in. I got a ton of comments, but trying to visit 99 other blogs in 5 days was crazy. (I did it because I'd agreed to, but yikes!)

  92. What a great idea! And picking one blog at a time is great, as it means we don't have to visit every blog every day.

  93. great idea! stopping by on a Blog hop kinda day.

  94. I've already blitzed two blogs already and I loved it! I love this whole community squishy thing you've got going on here!!

  95. Heya - just want to say I hope I'm still on the list! I was waaayyy late to the last blitz but still got there (just a moment ago) :P

  96. I've only been here for literally two minutes and you seem so nice! This is such a kind idea, I instantly put my book blog on the list, and BlOG BLITZ to my sidebar. Hope all goes Well!! xx

  97. I have the link established but cannot get the logo to appear for BLOG BLITZ. help?

  98. How do I add a badge? Or what is the badge link?


  99. Fantastic idea... just joined up again:)

  100. Great stuff! I'm in, and looking forward to the next blitz.

  101. Promoted on my blog with the most followers...hope you get some craft blogs from this one!

  102. Great idea. Thank you DL and MJ. I love getting comments and I have signed up. Always wanted to visit non craft blogs but I had no idea how to go about it. :)

  103. I have a feeling this linky is about to become much longer. Literary agent Sarah Negovetich just mentioned Blog Blitz in a post.

  104. I'm actually signing up! Great idea.

  105. wow what a list! I am all in... :) Great idea!!

  106. What an awesome idea, love it. Tried to add my name and url but it doesn't look like it worked. Will try again. Looked like I would be #427 Bridge and Beyond, incase it duplicates it and you need to delete one.

    Bridge and Beyond

  107. DL, you're full of good ideas, aren't you? ;) Love each and every one of them I've come across--and how come I hadn't come across this one? It's almost a year old! Pfffff... Guilie, late to the party as always. But okay, I've added my two blogs to the Linky-majigg, one of which, being new, needs some serious TLC. Thanks for coming up with this stuff! The blogging community hails you ;)

  108. What a lovely idea..... a great way to broaden our horizon and our knowledge.
    +M J thanks for letting me in on this one. +Guilie you are not late, see i am right behind you and the list is only gonna get longer:D

  109. Can't figure out how to add the Badge to my sidebar (I'm on wordpress) but I've created a seperate page for it. Hope this counts!

  110. I haven't done anything blog-hop related in a while, but this sounds like such fun, and a great idea! Happy to participate!

  111. Love your spontaneity and took care of Blitzing first thing this am. Happy Easter to you and yours.
    Bridge and Beyond Blitz

  112. Hi DL! I just finished replying to all my "Blitzers". You sure did surprise me! Here's wishing you and your family a lovely Easter. Thank you ~ Amy.

  113. Hi DL ~ What an amazing idea! You're the best! I signed up yesterday.....I number FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY! I have no idea what number is next, but I'm wondering if I'll still be alive when it gets to mine! LOL
    I AM kinda old, ya know!!

  114. Great idea! I'm new to blogging and still finding my way! My first sign up was wrongly added but I signed up a second time! Gotta take a chance! 463 has to go!

  115. Oops 463 has to go...Entered that URL wrongly...I'm 464 on the list! Forgive this newbie!

  116. Like it. Love it. Doing it now.

  117. Right on, I love this concept! Count me in!

  118. I'm in again through my second blog, DL!! Eva

  119. I think I lost my comment, but I'm in again through my second blog DL! Eva

  120. Please remove me from the linky, #418 Bridge and Beyond. Trying to simplify a few things in my life, time is tooooooooo tight.

  121. Looking forward to the fun!

  122. Hey Don, I just got blitzed today! It was such a thrill and I wanted to thank you so much for doing this. You know, I haven't been getting the blitz notices. I think it's because I got a new email a while back. Can you add my new email to the list? It's Thanks again, I'm just speechless. LOL. It was the best day ever!

  123. I am rejoining this wonderful sheme, my last blog was hacked into and ruined beyond repair.

  124. This sounds interesting. I like the idea of occasionally blitzing. Awesome I'm in.

  125. you have great ideas thanks for sharing this post
    viral stuff

  126. you have great ideas thanks for sharing this post
    viral stuff




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