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A Blogfest Tutorial

Just four more days remaining until my High Drama Blogfest/Giveaway on Saturday, August 7th. Are you getting excited? Do you think I am? Duh!!

One of my fellow bloggers who posted a piece promoting my event had a comment left there that has given me the idea to take some time and explain just what this thing we call blogfest is. There are plenty of newbies out there who still getting acclimated to the blogosphere and everything it has to offer, and if they’re like me the first time I read the phrase blogfest they probably didn’t know what to think. So, let’s do a little educating today.

Basically, the goal of a blogfest is to provide those who wish to participate with an avenue to share their writing with a broader reading base then what might normally visit their blog. Anyone can host a blogfest…and anyone can take part in one. The host usually establishes the topic to be written about, which can cover a wide-spectrum. Anything from scenes involving a first kiss, bar scenes, fight scenes, the first page of your manuscript (my personal favorite so far), and in my case… anything involving dramatic tension. The host also imposes any rules to guide the event (word count limit, PG language, original material only, etc).

The mechanics are fairly simple. The host uploads his blog post announcing the blogfest (complete with scheduled date, topic and rules) and at the bottom of that post is a sign up form (widget) to record the blog addresses of everyone who intends on partaking. These widgets come in many different versions, some are free to use and some charge a minor fee. They can display the links to the participating blogs on the original blog post of the host, or store those addresses at another web-site. On the day of the blogfest, all those who registered to be involved post their contribution on their own blog with a link to the host site so their readers can seek out similar stories. Blog interaction at its finest!

I hope this little tutorial was helpful to some of you. My blogfest is a little unique in that I have combined a prize giveaway with it. This is definitely not expected from those holding a blogfest and its just a little something I’m doing to crank up the excitement.

Before I go, I need to make a slight modification to my own blogfest rules. Originally I had asked that participants to limit the word count to no more than 500 words. I wanted everyone to make the rounds of all the entrants without having to feel like they just read War & Peace. But even I’m struggling with that restriction. If you know me at all, you know my opinion on rules…and I’m not above bending my own. So if you need to stretch your entry by a couple hundred words, go ahead. I’ll tell the word police to look the other way. :)

Oh yeah…have you linked your favorite blog post on my Blog Recycle Station yet?


  1. DL! I demand more reminders! :P


    Looking forward to your fest.

  2. Thanks for the explanation! It took me awhile to figure it out way back when...

  3. Ha! So your evil plans are kinda back firing. You can't even keep to the limit of 500. :P

  4. I enjoy reading the blogfests, but have to confess have never managed to enter one yet. I'm working on it for this one though!

  5. I've participated in several blogfests and hosted one of my own - they are a blast!

  6. Great idea, DL. I think we forget sometimes that there are bloggers new to the game. This was an excellent tutorial, sir. :-)

  7. Just to clarify- sorry to comment twice- but you are the host so we will link to your site on Saturday correct? (I'm new)

  8. Summer ~ Yep. Specifically you'll need to link to my original post (July 14th) where I announced the blogfest and where everybody's links are displayed. :)

  9. Can't wait to read you blogfest posts!

  10. Excellent DL! I will direct anymore questions to this post.

  11. Sounds fun! I'll see what I can dig up.

  12. This looks like a cool thing...will take part :)

  13. Great tutorial! Good luck with your blogfest. And I know how you feel about bending the rules. I wouldn't call them rules...more like guidelines. I think that's a line from a movie, but I can't remember which one. :)

  14. I worked on my entry today and am holding steady at 486 words. But I love your attitude -- rules are for sports teams, not artists. and tuning into messages from the left side of my brain gives me a headache!

  15. DL:

    Thanks for the short tutorial.

    My submission come in at under 500 words. Those who want more can go to the blog at




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