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C is for Commando

Ahhhhhh…the freedom! The sense of unbridled expression. The unencumbered stream of creative juices. Nothing can match it!


Why all the looks? Oh geez – get your minds out of the gutter! I’m talking about tackling the A-Z Challenge for 2015 without a theme.

It’s been a couple years since I’ve taken on the challenge. The past couple of years the use of a theme to bind all of your posts into a cohesive presentation has become common, so much so that they now have an A-Z Theme Reveal event.

I’ve never been a fan of themes when it comes to A-Z. I prefer to treat each day as a mini writing prompt and see what pops out. To be frank…some of my best posts have been written on-the-fly for A-Z. My readers enjoy it as well because without the time to prepare, those post are some of my most personal and forthright.

One of my writing goals for this year was to breathe life back into my blog, and doing the A-Z is like sending a 10,000 volt shock from a defibrillator through it. It’s not all about the post either. I’ll continue to pay a return visit to anyone’s blog who leaves a comment while A-Z is going on, and hopefully I’ll make some new friends as a result. After all, that’s what A-Z is ultimately about.


  1. That's right - making new friends is what it's all about.

  2. A lot of my friends are doing A to Z (makes it hard to comment every time, so if I miss a few posts, please forgive me! Know that I'm still reading them even if I'm not commenting!) though I've never done it, theme or no theme.

  3. I'll have to write not having a theme one of these years. :)

  4. I LOLed at this one. Commando - the best way to go for A to Z. I like the post that are more personal and heartfelt.

  5. Hi Don - that's certainly what the A-Z is all about .. I enjoy writing my theme - but then of course the posts are totally eclectic .. I could do it without a theme, but then the posts wouldn't have any photos and it'd be so different - I'd feel like I was cheating myself and others ..

    Glad you're kick starting your blog though - cheers Hilary

  6. Commando - lovely D.L. Will pop round shortly to A & B.

  7. Let your dragon go free... so many new people so little time, I think I finally have a winning solution.

  8. This is my first year participating, and my theme came to me at the last minute. You're a true commando to wing it all the way! :-D

  9. Going commando is both liberating and scary, for both uses of the word. Personally, I like plans. Sometimes restrictions are comfy. Just like going without is exhilarating.

    But I totally have a theme this year and will most likely next year too.

  10. You're a better man than I, Charlie Brown. Gotta have a theme to keep me focused and on track. Publishing a novel sometime in April and decided to support the book with posts on Chicago area, several places in Italy that are part of the setting. LOVE the research and finding the right photos. This is my 3rd year and I look forward to visiting blogs like yours and others with a (WR) involved. Come and see me if you have time.

  11. so wish I had done this challenge--but I'm having such a blast reading all the entries! :)

  12. Winging it is ok if it's your style, I like having a collection of related posts when the A to Z is done for the month. So each to his own preference, I'm ok with that. So what's jeans got to do with it?

  13. I feel the same about a theme, and I'm just not organized enough to plan ahead.

  14. I don't think I'll ever skip doing a theme. It gives me structure and guidance. Plus, makes it easier to get my posts written ahead of time so I can visit.

  15. This post is hilarious! Yes, my mind went straight to the gutter! lol

    I'm not doing A-Z this year but I had to stop by and give you encouragement. Keep on posting - only 22 letters left!
    Lexa Cain’s Blog




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