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N is for Negovetich

Today I want to introduce to you Sarah Negovetich, my agent. Don’t worry, she’s fully aware that no one knows how to pronounce her last name, and she's okay with that. :)

Sarah and I have known each other for a little over a year, as we are both bloggers and my first introduction to her was through her blog, but we’ve had a professional relationship since February this year.

Sarah works for the Corvisiero Literary Agency, which is based in New York, but she lives in Texas. Her background is in Marketing and she uses her experience to assist Corvisiero authors, like myself, with platform building and book promotion.

Sarah is an author herself. Her book is titled Rite of Rejection, and interestingly enough – it’s self-published. She divides her time between writing YA books that her husband won’t read and working with amazing authors as an agent at Corvisiero Literary Agency. Her life’s goal is to be only a mildly embarrassing mom when her kids hit their teens.

Sarah is currently only accepting MG and YA fiction manuscripts. She is open to any genre within those age groups, but prefers speculative fiction. Contemporary is not her favorite, but she will look at it. She is not interested in seeing poetry, novels in verse, short stories/novellas or anything focused on saving the environment (she's all for recycling, but doesn't want to represent it).

Together, Sarah and I are working to bring my YA novel MOVING FEAR to a bookstore near you. Needless to say…she’s one of my favorite people!  :)


  1. Hi DL .. can quite see why Sarah is one of your favourite people .. she knows her stuff, and is definite in what she's got time for .. and who she's interested in helping. I could probably get her name - but I'm sitting behind a screen and so my pronunciation won't carry ..

    Congratulations to you both - for your books and the project .. cheers Hilary

  2. I remember this post. :) Sarah is awesome. Her blog is very informative. Your lucky to have her as an agent. Congrats again!

  3. YAY! I've met Sarah at DFW Con and thought she was a lovely person. I'm excited for you!

  4. Help! I've fallen behind and need to catch-up.

    When I came to your space today the first thing that popped up was your P post. All I saw was P is for Pecker and I thought Oh, oh! I read a little bit before I came back to N for my start and thought; 'OK, now I can read on feeling 'safe'. Ha, ha, ha!

    I actually think I can pronounce Sarah's last name, but that's only because I was raised with so much ethnicity I'm pretty go with most Slavic and Russian names. I was surprised that she looks so young, but then that's probably a really good agent to have for the genre you write.

    Best of luck to both of you.

  5. I've had my eye on querying Sarah for quite some time! I think I'll reference your blog post in my query letter! Thanks for spotlighting your agent, and many congrats!! :)




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