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The Significant Other Blogfest *Gulp*

Oh dear. Good golly. I am so NOT the writer in this family! In fact, I would not only rank my daughter ahead of me but also my 11 year old son can write better than I. Than me? Whatever. Nonetheless, I do support my husband’s writing very much. And although I like that he initiated a “Blogfest” I really wish he would have been happy with me simply patting his back and saying “Go for it” vs requesting that I actually express my feelings via his choice of medium.

Let it be known right from the start, I am doing this under duress. Although I read all kinds of books, all the time, I actually run from writing. I write when cornered, but not by choice, and certainly not for fun! Therefore, let this be a screaming/flashing display of my support to my “significant other.”

You see, we are the epitome of the example of opposites attract. I am out going, and pretty sociable. My other is uber shy. (His words) I take 15 minutes verbally explaining something that Don can write in 2 sentences. I walk into a room and will talk with anyone, Don walks in and quietly observes, hardly talking with anyone.

What did I think when I first read one of Don’s stories? WOW! All the words, conversations, expressions, that I reach out to others to enjoy, my husband expresses by reaching out in writing! Am I proud and supportive of his writing? You betcha! (<- See? Please do not cringe; this is why I do not write.) Why am I excited for him? He has found a way to be sociable! I always knew he had it in him, now there are “followers” that have found his sociable side too!

Am I 100% supportive? Well. . . um. . . Can I say 95%? There are those times that he gets so “into” it that he tunes out EVERYTHING around him. I get that his writing is important, but I do not put it ahead of family - especially when they are in the same room dancing around for his attention!

Do I want him to pursue getting his book published? Of course! 1) For his own self confidence 2) I enjoy watching him smile with this passion, and 3) because I think it is a good story (Yes, you might say I’m a bit prejudiced, but I do read a lot with which to compare.) I feel his story is equal to, and better than, many published books out there.

Well, I hope this ramble has not caused my significant other to loose any of his followers’ respect. Please do not let my poor writing reflect upon him. His passion is writing. My passion, along with travel and pictures, is him.

Don wanted to make sure that I reminded everyone to check out all the other Significant Other blogfest entries.  He's going to come behind me and sprinkle a little HTML magic so you can find a list of the participants HERE.


  1. Hi! So great to "hear" you again! Seriously, since I had the awesome opportunity to meet you and Don face to face, I heard your voice as I read this. You guys are a great couple and I'm so glad he has someone like you at his side, supporting his craft, and sharing his life. He's a great friend, and a great author. His book will be published -- I feel sure of it!

    Thanks for playing along. And, hi DL :)))

  2. I think you did a fine job, Mrs. Hammons! And now I know what the "D" stands for!!

  3. Great post! It's so awesome to hear more about DL on a personal basis. So much of what you describe comes through in his writing--and this adds another dimension.

    Thanks for making the "sacrifice!"

  4. What a lovely post! And you write absolutely fine! I dont write any better than that on my blog. The blog is for just being me :o) Thanks for sharing!

  5. I like the part about opposites - you just described my wife and I!
    Fun blogfest, DL.

  6. This is a fantastic post! Great job! You may not see yourself as a writer, but you express yourself beautifully.

    Thanks for giving us more insight on Don (and you)!

  7. I am so happy that I got to partake in this wild ride!!! I can't believe my husband joined in on the fun!!!

    Your wife is adorable!!

    I think you did a wonderful job!!! Writer or not your love for your husband is undeniable so we appreciate the time you took to write when it's something you're not into!

  8. Nice to 'meet' you, Mrs. Hammons - great post! It's nice to know DL better :)

  9. Excellent post! My SO said the same thing about worshipping the computer rather than paying attention to him. Me thinks there is a trend here...

  10. This whole idea is so awesome. It really shows how brilliant your husband is. Nice to meet you Mrs. Hammons!

  11. Nice to meet you Mrs. H! You write just may not ENJOY it, but you express yourself beautifully!

  12. You did a wonderful job for Don! Great to hear your voice. ";-) Don does a great job of keeping us all jointed.

    Thanks for the post!

  13. Aw! How lovely - what a fantastic, supportive partner. I can just hear the enthusiasm and love!

    Thanks for coming up with the idea and asking me to take part in organising it with you!

  14. Very nice to 'meet' you Mrs Hammons! Mr. Hammons is so lucky to have such a supportive and encouraging person in his life! This was great!

  15. Seems you have a gem of mate DL and what's this about making your family dance around?!

    Wonderful post Ms. Hammons and so nice to meet you.

    DON, thanks dude. This was fun :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  16. I've just recently found your husband's site, Mrs. Hammons, and I'm delighted at the great fellowship and creativity he's provided here. He has been so enthusiastic about this fest that I couldn't resist begging my husband to participate. The whole experience has been a real eye-opener for me--in a good way, of course! It's great to meet you, another writer's spouse, and discover that little secret about your husband's shyness. It never would have occurred to me from what I've seen here. Great job on the writing, by the way. No worries there!

  17. This was beautiful :-) Totally indicative of the necessary balance (and give and take) in a good marriage!

  18. Wonderful!!! I love it, you did a great job! I love this blogfest & really enjoyed having my "other" participate too.

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  19. That was very sweet, Kim! Like Nicole said, you two struck me as a perfectly balanced couple. He's lucky to have you on his side!

  20. What a great post! My wife and I have the same dynamic: she's the social butterfly, and stumble through even the most basic interactions.

    Dan - here's my wife's post.

  21. Aww! She sounds great! Also, HTML = magic? I didn't know that! Now i'm all excited to do magical things with my blog ;)

  22. Great post, nice writing, and now I know a bit more about D! Great idea too, D.; this Social Party!

  23. Awesome job. :)
    I think this link up was such a fun idea. Unfortunately, I didn't have my hubby write anything for me...I slacked a little. Now I'm kicking myself.
    I do look forward to reading the others.

  24. So sweet! Behind every good man is a woman, and it looks like your got yourself a pretty good one there, DL!

  25. Aw how sweet! Is she adorable? YOU BETCHA! I think all of us writers have problems getting out of the "zone."

  26. You did a wonderful job with this post, Kim! I'm so glad he has you. :)

  27. Perhaps you're not the writer in the family, Mrs. Hammonds, but your words give a wonderful glimpse of who you are. Warm and loving, but also realistic.

    There are times when the muse hits or I have a deadline and my focus is completely on that. My family have their moments of feeling left out but I do try to be balanced it out with quality time. Not always easy. :-)

    I can see why Don is drawn to you. You're like the warm fire on a cold day; Don's like the protective crag in a windstorm. Together you make a wonderful place to be. :-)

    Thanks for your words.

  28. What a great, fun post from your wife! I loved getting to know more about you (and her). Who knew you were so shy? Wow. I never would have guessed.

  29. Way to go, Mrs. D.L.! You are awesome. Thanks for braving the blogfest! :-)

  30. You were sweet to do this and it was heartfelt. Thanks for participating with us writerly types.

  31. I LOVED this, Mrs. Hammons!! I don't know what you're talking about, not being a good writer... This was so fun to read! And you're right, Mr. Hammons is a very talented writer. I don't always comment, but I love reading his blog. :) I hope he is published someday soon!

  32. You are so incredibly honest and supportive, this was such a great post to read! I laughed at the 95% bit, I think my fiance knows the other 5% all too well!

    Thanks for hosting such a great blogfest, DL, and congratulations on making such a huge success of it (and having such a supportive partner!)

  33. Aw, so sweet. I LOVE the idea for this fest, Don. Thanks for hosting!

  34. Great idea for a blogfest! Sorry I missed out on the fun, but had I given the reins of my blog to my husband...hmm. :) Anyhow - Mrs. Hammons, I thought you expressed yourself wonderfully! I identify with your husband - I'd rather be sociable through writing than in person. Love that you support him and thanks for sharing!

  35. Great idea for a blogfest!! (Wish I would have been paying attention and could have joined, but honestly, I'm afraid what hubs would have said about me!!!). Your "other" sounds like a fun gal!!

  36. This post was positively lovely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and taking part in the blogfest. It's fun to get to know DL a little better.

  37. I totally forgot to get my hubby on board for this, and we're both rather wiped out from getting the car up the driveway: a quarter mile of exposed rolling hillside. Today's snow, wind, and low temps made for nastiness.

    So much fun to hear from everyone else's SO's though.

  38. Great post, you did a fine job, Mrs. Hammons! Thank you for writing under duress and letting us see a peek at a different side of DL.

  39. Very supportive. My husband is about where she is at 95% for the same reasons: family first.

    Thanks for hosting this.


  40. Oh she sounds so supportive! I'm happy to see some behind the scenes! Wonderful post.

  41. Don, first of all, thank you so much to you and Talli for the Significant Other blogfest. It is a brilliant idea. And although I almost missed the deadline, I was still able to join the 'fest. This is a very good way for us to get to know one another. Thank you to you and your Significant Other for this post! :)

  42. Wow, this was pretty revealing right down to the letter "D". Nice that you are so supportive of Don's writing. My wife tolerates mine but doesn't seem overly thrilled with it.
    D.L., sounds like you're a lucky guy!

    Tossing It Out

  43. This was a VERY well-done and honest post from behind the scenes. Thanks so much for doing it :)

  44. Hi. It has been awhile since I've stopped by an' I apologize for that; life happens. Sorry.

    I'm glad that today was one of the days when I came to visit because I truly enjoyed your post. Apparently, writing is a shared talent in your family. I've certainly enjoyed your husband's writing an' now, I've had the pleasure of enjoying yours, as well. Since you mentioned that your kiddies also write, you are a very blessed family, indeed. Keep up the good work.

    ~ Yaya

  45. oh! "my passion is him"--! How sweet!!! What a wonderful post~ :o) <3

  46. She is so nice and for someone who says she can't write, she did well.

  47. Hi Mrs DL! You did a great job of writing about life with the writer. Thank you for sharing.

    My significant other

  48. I think it's so sweet you did this especially when it isn't your thing. Fun to meet and hear from you!

  49. Crap! I forgot about this. Let me go get my husband now. Boy, he's gonna love me for this one.

    By the way, thank you so much for taking the time to write for us and support your husband writing adventures.

    I can only imagine how unbearable it must be at times to live with a writer, but it was a joy to read your post.

    Thank you.

  50. Great post! Loved this. For a non-writer you did very well :) You should guest blog more! It's nice seeing DL from your perspective.

  51. Love it! This is an awesome screaming/flashing display of your support! DL's a lucky guy :)

  52. Aww. That was REALLY fun. If there's one thing I've learned is that I'm not the only writer out there who tunes out her family!
    We don't mean to, I swear!

  53. Good job, Mrs H! I love that you're the outgoing social mixer and DL does all of that on the page. You sound as if you make a great team. It's always fun to find out from others close to the writer what they're like. Thanks for sharing!

  54. Your passion for our amicable blog host is evident. So nice to hear your side. Who would ever have guess he was shy? Thank you for all your support and encouragement of his talent.


  55. Nice to meet you; You did a fine job~
    Your passions do define us; My hubby and I have some common ground, but lots of opposites. I'm also married to a Don. Thanks for joining in~

  56. That was perfect Mrs. DL. Are you sure your not a writer? This has been a blast so thank you for supporting not only your husband but all the other writers out there too.

  57. Awesome job! You shouldn't worry so much about your writing.

    And thanks for the fun idea for this blogfest and putting it together!

  58. This is so great! I think Mrs. Hammons is an excellent writer! This post was wonderful. I loved this sentence the most: My passion, along with travel and pictures, is him.

    How sweet!

  59. Great job! I understand the need to focus on family, it seems that all hobbies take some time and with families there's very little extra. My husband is a triathlete as a hobby, his training occurs before any one wakes up. My writing occurs after everyone has gone to bed until midnight or so. Then we reward each other with a little weekend time where it's known one of us is unavailble for a little while. I hope it all works out. Keep up the great work!

  60. What a wonderful post! I love how supportive you are!

  61. You did a fantastic job!!! I love hearing from the spouses. This is fun!

  62. What do you mean you can't write??? I thought that was awesome! And I think we even got a good feel for your personality. Thanks for sharing with us!

  63. I think you write fine! The rest of your family must be very talented (especially if your 11 year old son is better!)

    I like the approach you took! It was very honest.

  64. Thank you very much Don for starting this SO Blogfest. Such a great idea and I am so pleasantly surprised by the results. I'm new to blogging and every time I get more involved I get so much more back - it's wonderful. Writers can be writers without having a publishing contract! Blogs are a fantastic and fun medium and you're just showing me more of what can be done.

    Mrs Hammons you write very well! Don't put yourself down. Lovely and honest account of being the other writing half. I think Jules mentioned the Ying and Yang in her post and you guys are definitely an example of that - very complementary.

    Thanks again

  65. Mrs. Hammons, you did a great job!! I think it sounds like you guys balance each other out perfectly. Don's an awesome writer and one of my rolemodels, and he's a lucky guy to have you supporting his journey!

  66. You say your not a writer but your words have such a great flow that they suck the reader right in! Beautifully written! Maybe some of your husband's (also beautifully) writing skills is rubbing off?! :)haha! Thanks for posting, it's always great to know the blogger on a more personal level. Keep up the good work!


  67. This was a lovely post, and your writing is absolutely nothing to worry about!

  68. This made me smile. How sweet! I'm not sociable, either. Going out to eat makes me a nervous wreck, lol!

    I'm glad you're supportive, even when he's hyper focused. I do that, too. Even when reading a book. And you're right. There are many books out there that aren't as good as what many unpublished writers can offer.

    Thanks for participating; it was really fun to meet you!

  69. The fact that you can use a semicolon correctly makes you better than a lot of writers!




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